Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Life In General

Life In General
...is all right. We are staying with my mom, her dog, and my sister. We sleep at the upstairs landing- no walls or door. Every night is like a sleepover, complete with late night junk food, late night spats, and lots of snuggles :)

Husby has completed his first week at his new job. He is SO happy, and that thrills me. I've never seen him love a job so much, and my heart just soars with his joy. Yippee! Me? I'm still job-hunting :) But that's ok when you live with your mom don't have to pay rent or a mortgage. We're looking for a place to live that's OURS. We'd love to just buy a house, but with the potentially lengthy closing time, etc., we're thinking we'll start looking for a rental while we seek our dream house. Kind of a drag knowing we'll have to move more than once, but you do what you gotta do.

I'm feeling MUCH better. Last Sunday was an emotional wringer day, but physically I felt lots better. And now my body feels pretty much back to normal. I'll go in for a post-op this week, and a chat with my doctor (whom I adore) about 'next step' type timelines. Slowly but surely, folks...

BlogHer10 is in less than two weeks, and I'm really excited! I won a ticket, and am now piecing the rest of the trip together. I have a roomate and hotel room, I booked my flight, I've RSVP'd to a couple additional parties/events (but am SUPER sad to not be invited to the Hallmark party :( I am a Hallmark girl to the core! I worked there through college, and am applying and hoping to get that job back soon). It's been so fun to make connections all across the country with ladies I'll get to meet in real life soon! Anytime my friends in the computer 'come to life' is just awesome :) And I'm so excited to learn more about blogging. I'd like to take this little blog to the next level (whatever that means!)

So lots going on. Time with friends and family fills my days and I love that. Hope all is well with you, friends!

-a girlanna
{girl with blog}

www.twitter.com/anna r
www.pinterest.com/anna r


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