Saturday, 1 November 2014

What Is Hypno Yoga

What Is Hypno Yoga
As implied by the name, Hypno-Yoga is a combination of hypnosis and yoga. From the outside looking in this can appear to be an odd partnership, and although it does take considerable effort to learn and master it is more than worthwhile. When you take the meditative powers of yoga, and the brainwaves hypnosis stimulates it soon becomes understandable just how hypnosis and yoga can work together to create an incredible means of self-discovery and improvement.

Our over analytical approach to realty and addiction to over stimulation makes it difficult for Western Civilization to get a grip on the concept of meditation, let alone practice it. The good news is that we are naturally predisposed to enter into an Alpha state every 90 minutes of the day. However, we grab a Starbucks instead of a siesta and press on. As one Beta wave compounds on top of another, it makes it increasingly difficult to disengage at the end of the day.

When our head finally does hit the pillow at night, we skip the Alpha phase and move directly into Theta or Delta. Since Alpha is where the rejuvenation process takes place, we may find ourselves waking up exhausted simply to start the entire process over again, consequently developing a chronic stress pattern that can lead to diminished vitality and depression.

Hypno-Yoga will not only familiarize you with Alpha but will also help you to integrate these rhythms into everyday life with more frequency. Twenty minutes in Savasana allows you to anchor it into the cellular memory of the body, and research has found ten minutes in Alpha can be more rejuvenating than one hour of conventional sleep.

Hypnosis is a natural phenomenon of the mind that increases openness to positive change.

Hypno-Yoga synthesizes Hatha and Kundalini Yoga; along with meaningful imagery and suggestions for healthy transformation during the final resting pose known as Savasana. The natural healing that occurs during this deep relaxation promotes regeneration, youthfulness, joy and expansion.

You will discover that as a result of this, a seemingly magical phenomenon occurs. The external world begins to organize itself around the higher intelligence or harmonious rhythms of the heart.

Yoga practitioners have known for centuries that the practice of Yoga exercise engages both mind and body. At the end of a session, a relaxed pose of "Savasana" allows one to absorb the full benefit of the discipline as one prepares to re-enter the world of daily activities. But what if that state of mind were the beginning of something creatively delicious, intensely personal and authentically even more beneficial?

Bridging Spirituality and Science

As multifaceted beings we are capable of enjoying a multifaceted universe. A willingness to align ourselves with a non-linear way of thinking i.e. Alpha is key. It is heaven on earth and the Hypno-Yoga experience is designed to take you there.

Hypno-Yoga stimulates Alpha rhythms that orient you toward right brain or non-linear thought. This Alpha state becomes a portal into the infinite creative self which is divine. Science has found that the brain emits various levels of frequencies of brain waves that have been classified as Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta. Beta is characteristic of a normal linear based daytime functioning pattern. Alpha is calmer and meditative. Theta is sleep and Delta is even deeper sleep. The Alpha state is the state that Hypno-Yoga expands on. This sublimely altered state is not only rejuvenating but is highly creative as well.

Ellen Heuer, licensed Hypnotherapist as well as Yoga Instructor, married her twin careers into Hypno Yoga years ago when she saw that the mental state during Savasana was ideal for expanding the benefit of the Yoga through a guided meditation.

She has traveled the world with Hypno Yoga bringing its benefits to a widening audience of students and practitioners, and the most common question they've expressed after a Hypno Yoga session is, "How can I have this with me, always?"

To learn more visit,

About The Author

William Dorich is the author of 5 books on Balkan history which he self-published. This experience led to starting his own publishing company in 1985, specializing in self and co-publishing to provide an alternative to authors who are sick of receiving rejection letters.

Since the inception of he has produced and published over 120 titles including, "Witness to War: Images of the Persian Gulf War" which he produced for the Los Angeles Times--a book that won a Pulitzer. His list of clients include the Who's Who of American business.


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