Here's the story: four really drunk guys hanging out at one of their houses got really drunk and thought it would be a great idea to hire some escorts off Craigslist for sh*ts and giggles.
They found the pictures of three women on Craigslist appealing and called them over. When the women arrived, the men discovered that the women looked nothing like in the ad.
At this point, I'm guessing the guys were so horny, that they figured that these women would do, so they let them in and one of them left to use the washroom. Instead, the woman went into the bedroom and began rummaging through it looking for things to steal.
When she was caught, the women ran off and headed straight to their car. When one of the guys tried to stop them, they ran him over. He was sent to hospital and stayed there for two days.
The three escorts were descrbied as 5'8", white, chunky, and in their late 20s. Rating the women from one to 10, two of the guys rated them a 2, but the guy who was the most trashed rated them a 4.
Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):Michael Hall - Secrets Of Personal Mastery
Robert Henderson - Secrets Of Dating Asian Women
Chris Jackson - Secrets Of Undressing Women
Labels: girlfriend traits leading hollywood controlling emotions love movie secret admirers opener first divorce resulting does appearance matter flirting techniques ross direct nick strauss brian tracy orgasm female cold read paul seduce game patterns
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