You haven't had a date with a woman in six months, and you feel that your cold streak is interminable. Frankly, your slump is so bad that you are starting to really worry about how to get back in the game. Your attempts to chat up women keep resulting in the cold shoulder. You can't seem to get conversations going. The witty banter necessary to keep a woman's interest eludes you. You've become all too familiar with that "don't even bother asking for my number" look. You've even reached out to all your friends and your social networks. You are starting to feel like a complete and utter social miscast.
You wonder: What can I do to get back into the dating game?
Most men try the old-school method of drinking themselves into oblivion, which results in a false bravado. Then they locate a drunken woman, get her number and hope that she's half as hot as his drunk self thought. Will she be? No. Will it restore your confidence? No.
If you are reading this, I'm guessing that this is not your first "cold streak." You've probably had these before and haven't taken the necessary corrective action. And you desperately want me to give you a magic pill -- a quick, easy jolt of "coolness" so that you become your most attractive you.
The bad news is that there is no magic pill. The good news is that I can help you end your cold streak. I can teach you to hit home runs if you are willing to do some work. What do you think David Wright did about his hitting slump? Whine about it? Complain? Show up to games and hope and pray that he'd hit a home run? No! He hit the batting cage and practiced, practiced, practiced -- and that's how he got back in the game
You are going to do the same.
Here's your assignment: You must go out into the world and meet women every single day. If you follow the four pieces of advice below, you will absolutely build up your confidence to get those numbers and those dates.
You must practice meeting women every day. You must become a social person again. Social people are attractive; they have a positive aura. People notice them. When you walk through life happy, smiling and talking to people, what happens? You create intrigue, attraction and chemistry. You will get noticed.
If, alternatively, you walk through life thinking to yourself, "Man, I just can't seem to meet a woman," you're not going to meet anybody. Your body language will be a natural repellent. You will come off as rejected, dejected, desperate, needy, and nervous. What woman wants that guy?
Practice with women you're not attracted to -- smile at them, talk to them. Try flirting with them. Learn how to be comfortable talking to strangers so that you can get back in the game. Become more comfortable flirting. Soon you will be able to approach women you are dying to meet.
Yes, at first it might be challenging to drum up conversations with strangers everywhere, so I suggest making a mental list of five places that you like to frequent. Say, for instance, that you love eating. Make it a point to hang out at that little takeout place that you love, that gourmet supermarket that you enjoy or the coffee house that serves your favorite latte.
You've already made a mental list and selected a few places that you know well and where you can easily find common topics to talk about with other people who are there. Now go out there and start talking to women. Make small talk about whatever (with a smile).
Start noticing things all around you. Make it a point to observe what people are doing and react to what they're doing. If you see a woman drop oranges in the supermarket, walk over to her and make a joke like, "You've got butterfingers today!" Smile and help her gather them up. Maybe you are next to a woman in line at the coffee shop, and you both comment about how slow it is. Bam! That becomes a conversation starter. A shared moment. Suddenly, you're getting back in the game.
You've made contact, and now you want to get to first base. OK, not literally -- you're at the coffeehouse, for goodness sakes. But once you get comfortable speaking with women, you have to start asking them out. The secret is this: Women want to meet men organically, without cheesy pickup lines. Try this: "Hey, I had a great time speaking with you. I'd love to take you out. Can I have your number?"
There are no shortcuts to getting back in the game. Go out every single day and practice flirting and talking to women. If you are in a slump, your muscles have atrophied. Create a workout plan to get the dates you want and deserve.
Repost Askmen
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