Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Message From Ascended Master Paul The Venetian Via Julie Miller

Message From Ascended Master Paul The Venetian Via Julie Miller
We are positive you have heard from someone you encountered or read along your journey the importance of counting your blessings - showing gratitude for what you have instead of grumbling over what you don't. For many dear souls that have begun the practice of counting their blessings, they describe their life being changed - turned around for the better. The act of counting your blessings Dearest Children of God is truly one of the most profound and powerful practices you can do and you can take this practice wherever you go, regardless which direction your journey has taken you.

It is well understood when you practice being grateful for all the things you have, even the smallest of things, you will notice how quickly they grow. Whatever it is you are grateful becomes that much better. Greater opportunities become available the more you are grateful for what you have. Unfortunately, when you forget to count your blessings by showing gratitude, you find yourself keeping note of all the negative things instead and as a result attract more negativity into your life. Of course this occurs unintentionally, but when you begin to think or talk negative about the things you don't have, or of the accomplishments you have yet to reach, you are counting negative things. When you complain about the traffic or long line ups, even the weather you are counting negative things. Just as counting your blessings and being grateful for all you have encourages greater abundance in more things that are for your greater good, when you continue to count negative things you increase their amount and you end up stopping any blessing that was coming your way. To increase more blessings from God in your life, it is important to choose counting your blessings, demonstrating what you are grateful for. You are not meant to live a life filled with misery and despair. The more you get into the habit of counting your blessings, by revealing what you are grateful for, the better your journey will be and the more peace you will encounter.

When you count your blessings is up to you always. It's during the time that is quiet and yours. Write them out if need be either on a note pad, in your computer or another electronic device that you're fond of using. When you begin, your list may appear simple but it will grow as you think about the many things you are grateful for. You may even surprise yourself by being grateful for a recent illness because through illness you are able to gain so much knowledge of yourself, you may be grateful for a brisk windy day or for the rain that sounds like music to your ears. Think about what you are grateful for or who whom and give reason for why and watch your list grow more deeply. There is magic within the practice of counting your blessings and this magic is in accordance to how you are feeling at the time. Peace envelopes you as you move through all the many things you are grateful and this peace will help bring calm to what was once a hectic day if you practice counting your blessings in the evening.

After consciously counting your blessings each day, go back to the first ones and re-read what you added, giving thanks to each of them and feel the magic of the blessing of peace that will become one with you, bringing a state of calm to settle not just within you but all around you. We witness many dear souls also show gratitude to the Cosmos, to God, to the deity they pray to, to life, to many wondrous things including their Inner Self. Understand dear ones, when you direct the power of gratitude to a particular concept or to a specific person, you will feel even more empowered by the energy that is shared from the experience, thus creating even more magic of peace and happiness.

It is true, the idea of counting your blessings is very simple, yet this simple practice is very powerful, healing and rewarding on a personal level that has the ability to affect others. We encourage each Child of God to make a conscious effort to count your blessings each day. Distractions will come, but we know you will ignore their attempt to influence you to forget what you are grateful for. Realize dear ones; the more you think about what you are grateful for, the more you also realize how much you have to be grateful for. Observe your life closely and even through any imperfections try and see what is in each relationship, each situation, and each part of your Self that you are grateful for - you just might be surprised. You have so much to be grateful for, and we are grateful for you.

Are you grateful for your family, the friends you have acquired, the experiences you have had, the occupation you hold, the birds, for your pets, the sun, for the food you eat, for the oceans or even for having eyes that can see; as you can see there is much to be grateful for and we are positive you can add to this list easily.

Every time you count your blessings and demonstrate what you are grateful for, you will discover your mood changing and becoming more positive and feel happier. It feels good to feel happy doesn't it? You attract more positive changes the more often you count your blessings, therefore you are making a subconscious promise to yourself that you will bring more happiness, more peace and greater experiences into your life. In no time Dearest Children of God, you will come to notice the more you practice counting your blessings, the better you will feel and you will feel a difference growing inside of you and of your awareness and understanding of yourself and of the world around you expands.

Counting your blessings each day adds more colour into your life. God's silent strength is right there beside you happy to receive your blessings and gratitude. Make a point to walk in nature and allow her to remind you of her splendor and of the importance to be grateful for all things great and small. Let textures touch your hands to stimulate your senses. Allow the artistry of colour, uniqueness and beauty of the Earth that surrounds you give you reasons to appreciate and love regardless of shape or form all that is with you each day. Each step you take is a blessing, a living work of divine art at its finest. When you count your blessings, don't forget yourself.

A practice of Gratitude, even in form of counting your blessings is another form of expressing your love. This kind of action dear ones is pure and comes from your beautiful heart that is shared by God's Divine Presence. When you truly love something, this feeling that causes you to feel gratitude and appreciation is not a fabrication - not ever. Love that is felt and shown is always real and more powerful than the words that are often spoken trying to describe love. The more you exhibit gratitude, the more you exhibit your own loving vibration and your energy will be felt even by dear souls you do not know and this energy will touch everything in your life, creating an abundance of positive growth in your direction.

Within each of you is the foundation of Love shared to you from God. Each detail that you need to bring change and positive improvement to all parts of your life is already within you and your heart will guide you to each one. Trust in the direction your heart takes you and show gratitude for each new turn you take, even if that turn becomes challenging. Know dear ones, you are already divinely blessed - you are already loved infinitely not just by us, but by your Heavenly Father. Allow His Divine Light empower you to cross and climb every level of consciousness through the power of gratitude by counting of your blessings each and every day. You will attract an abundance of opportunities that will provide deeper development and growth in all areas of your life and as you attract more goodness your heart opens even wider to accept more of God's Love to be infused with your beautiful heart.

And so it is...

I AM Paul the Venetian through Julie Miller

Credit: loveknowsnoage.blogspot.com


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