Thursday, 29 September 2011

The Bizarro World Of A Player How As You Get Good You Become Like A Hot Woman

My central call me out saying "wowow you are greatest than a woman" as I was looking myself in the mirror, telling her how sexy I look being trying dress formerly a day of shopping (I go shopping done than she does). As you outset getting success with women, you will outset to internalize how they think, how they accomplish and why they accomplish the way they do. Hence, just stable to what happens to a lot of counselor (they become agreement of crazy themselves formerly corporate all day with crazy people) you outset internalizing stuff like a hot woman.Inwards are some hot women type stuff that I experience: 1.- Entity with looking good: That includes shopping for dress habitually (whilst a week for me), law your manicure, pedicure, style, eyebrows, tanning, teem dye, facial creams, gym and tracking calories. 2.- Greenness and being selective: As horny and sexual as women are, they would pass on lays if they are not attracted to a dude. As we incessantly repeat women are very sexual, but they only want dick of dudes they are attracted to. Punish as you get good with women, you will bring into being abundance and done apt get selective and pass on lays if the girl is not hot passable, is bountiful you shit (drama, foolish vocabulary etc..). 3.- Favors: Hot women get all types of favors and special treatment. From free snacks, getting into the clubs free, discounts, free meals etc As you get good with women, you will get good with people in generally, and people (men and women) will go out of their way to do stuff for you, such as the examples mentioned. 4.- Consideration whoring: Hot women get masses of attention and corroboration. As you get good with women you will experience masses of attention and corroboration. From women blowing up your cell phone/Facebook, passage calls, getting open at the club, Facebook, street etc 5.- Competition: as you get good you will be like the single, women will row for you. 6.- Entity with aging: As you get getting on, you get obsesses with protection and looking young. 7.- Flakiness: Sometimes I am so busy, that you hook up, but your receipt is so full that is just hard to attempt up, which indirectly make you pass on lays. 8.-Hyper screening: Genuine like hot women hard core dialogue box for partners. Fitting to point number 2, as you outset getting good, you will dialogue box and throw out girls that for some container or novel. 9.- Backing and requirement management: As you outset getting good with women, it will get done difficult for you to group fervently in women, you will not trail and you will not be needy. 10.- Clingers and stalkers: Equivalent hot women bring into being the creepers and psycho stalkers. As you become a very attractive man, you will experience clingers and stalkers, from every one sexes men and women. The locate The Bizarro world of a player: how as you get good, you become like a hot woman appeared first on The Skills Contraption.Allied POSTS: * How to seduce a married woman


Monday, 26 September 2011

So Where Are The Women

So Where Are The Women
The appalling statistics of male:female ratios in most Indian states is a matter of considerable public debate and concern. Today-Raksha Bandhan- there is a particularly poignant story in the papers, of a village in Rajasthan where the 10 girls will tie rakhis on the wrists of all the young men, some 250 of them, since none of the boys have sisters. Surviving, at any rate... With these numbers, it is perhaps just as well that Article 377 has recently been quashed!At the same time, the overall invisibility of women is another matter of concern. Invisible Women, Visible Histories: Gender, Society and Polity in North India (VII to XII Century AD) by Devika Rangachari is a recent publication from Manohar that examines history from a gendered viewpoint, studying "the early medieval period in north India through a study of prominent - but representative - regional kingdoms located in Kashmir, Kanauj and across Bengal and Bihar. The book shows that the role and status of women differed considerably according to their regional contexts. The picture, therefore, is not a unifies one, thereby stressing the fact that sweeping statements on women cannot be made to apply to early medieval north India as a whole. The pivotal importance of gender in any historical reconstructions of the early medieval period in north India is thereby underscored."Rawat Jaipur, one of the major publishers in the social sciences, have a number of books that examine such questions. For instance Bhaswati Das and Vimal Khawas (Eds.) volume, Gender issues in Development: Concerns for the 21st century. "Gender issues are wide and spread over the entire gamut of development. Over the decades it appeared to be the most intriguing for development plans. The present book, which is an outcome of a national seminar, held under the auspices of Council for Social Development, New Delhi, is an attempt to look into the gender issues involved in different development activities. The contributors are drawn from different social science backgrounds such as economics, sociology, demography, geography and anthropology. This is done purposely to have perspectives of all these disciplines in one single book."Sangeeta Bharadwaj-Badal, in her Gender, Social Structure and Empowerment: Status Report of Women in India asks the all important question, " Is the persistence of female-male gaps in human development in India indicative of the low status assigned to women in that cultural setting? Are the various gender ideologies rooted in the different kinship structures leading to a subordinate status of women in India? Does economic development interact with kinship patterns to produce spatial variations in gender relations in India? Do these structural processes affect women's status differently in different parts of India? In other words, does place play a role in the constitution of gender differences in India? The book focuses on the mutual interdependence of gender relations, development levels, and social stratification without underestimating the full significance of each in Indian society.The earlier narrow focus that considered status as a unitary construct and sought a universal explanation of the low status of women has been replaced in this work by a multidimensional view that argues for conceptualizing status broadly in terms of its economic, social and political dimensions. The contrasting performance of specific states/districts on each dimension clearly indicates that the dynamic and variable nature of women's status cannot be captured by any one dimension. It is observed that women's status is affected by kinship structures, development levels and social stratification, which vary over space and time individually and in interaction with each other. It is this variation that leads to differences in women's position from one region of India to another."The Sage list on Gender issues is as diverse and as interesting. Prem Chowdhury's edited Gender discrimination in land ownership "analyzes the different degrees of discrimination meted out to women by the country^as inheritance laws and the corresponding customary practices in tribal societies. It also exposes the current socio-legal structure in the country, which systematically denies women the accessibility to and ownership of productive resources.This book is eleventh in the series ^aLand Reforms in India^a, initiated by the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie. The volume contains 14 well-researched chapters through which distinguished scholars look into the discrimination faced by women in various states of India. Highlighting the fact that different regions subject women to varied forms of discrimination, these chapters reveal that these emanate from various customs and practices, Shastric prescriptions and the Muslim personal laws (Shariat) which were crystallized during the British regime and further consolidated in the post-colonial period through various union, state and concurrent laws."And finally, Living the Body: Embodiment, Womanhood and Identity in Contemporary India by Meenakshi Thapan which "explores the development of a sociology of embodiment in the context of women^as lives in contemporary, urban India. Through a critical analysis of gender and class, the author unravels the complexities that are intrinsic to the multi-layered and fluid construction of woman^as identity in relation to embodiment. LIVING THE BODY: EMBODIMENT, WOMANHOOD AND IDENTITY IN CONTEMPORARY INDIA is the first book that unfolds an understanding of women^as experience of embodiment by a careful analysis of the facts gathered from an Indian metropolis. The author brings out numerous voices representing multiple subjectivities through interviews of working class slum women, professional upper class women, adolescent young women in secondary schools and in a slum, and the visual and textual representation of women in a women^as magazine in English."In our Gender Studies section.Invisible Women, Visible Histories, Rs 1295, hardcover, 532 pages, ISBN: 9788173048081Gender issues in Development, Rs 750, hardcover, 328 pages, ISBN: 9788131601914Gender, Social Structure & Empowerment Rs 625, hardcover 232 pages, ISBN: 9788131602393Gender discrimination in land ownership Rs 795, hardcover 352 pages, ISBN:9788178299426Living the Body Rs 550, Hardcover 220 pages, ISBN: 9788178299013
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Saturday, 24 September 2011

Four Key Ingredients In A Good Relationship

OVER THE YEARS I HAVE BEEN PRACTICING COUNSELING IN SAN DIEGO, I have helped many couples recognize and repair relationship issues, which has subsequently allowed them to rekindle the romance in their relationship and strengthen the bond between them. Through the process of COUPLES COUNSELING, I have noticed that there tends to be four common, recurring trends, which I refer to as "relationship ingredients". These key "ingredients" allow for a successful and fulfilling partnership. The first two are things that you can do to encourage a healthy relationship with your partner, while the latter two are things you should avoid doing in your relationship. I will name and describe these four ingredients below, which I encourage you to practice and work on with your partner in between RELATIONSHIP COUNSELING sessions. Ingredient #1: Acceptance and Validation Feeling accepted and having your actions validated by your spouse or partner are important components of any relationship. Everyone likes to feel as though their behaviors are meaningful and effective, and by frequently validating your partner, you are sending a message to him/her that what they are doing is acceptable and valuable to you. Whether you are in a long-term relationship or are married, accepting one another is a key ingredient to your relationship's overall success. For instance, if you have perhaps gained a little unwanted weight (which tends to happen over the holiday season!), your partner can show acceptance by saying something like: "Well, I still think you look great" or "It doesn't matter to me if you've gained or lost weight - you're still you". This displays to the recipient that you are accepted for who you are, regardless of what you may look like on the outside. Keep in mind, however, that acceptance doesn't always have to be about appearance - there are many other ways in which you can demonstrate validation and acceptance in your relationship with your partner. In my COUNSELING experience I have noticed that conflicts in relationships often begin when one partner fails to validate or accept the other. Things such as criticism or devaluing another's actions or behaviors can, in turn, weaken the bonds in your relationship. While certainly it is unreasonable to expect validation and acceptance"all" of the time in your relationship (since after all we are humans who make errors from time to time), the majority of your interactions with your spouse should be positive and include components that validate and display unconditional acceptance of his/her behavior, actions, and choices. Doing so will strengthen the number of positive interactions in your relationship, which will subsequently strengthen your relationship overall. One tip which I always suggest is to try to focus on positive things your partner is doing, and speak to those behaviors. For example, you could say something like: "I really appreciate that you took it upon yourself to tidy the house today". This not only shows that you noticed your partner's positive behavior, but that you are acknowledging and praising it. Doing so will make your partner feel good about himself/herself and also more likely to repeat the desired behavior in the future. Keep in mind that your validating and accepting remarks should be genuine and from the heart. Don't say something just for the sake of saying it. Mean what you say and say what you mean! "INGREDIENT #2: FEELING INFLUENTIAL" We all enjoy feeling like causal agents over another's behavior, particularly our partner's behavior. However, being influential is different from being pushy and wanting things done your way all the time. You can be positively influential by encouraging your partner to behave in a certain way which benefits you both. Being pushy or demanding takes away from the overall relationship dynamic and hinders (rather than helps) the bond between you and your partner. To be influential does not mean that we have to force our partner to agree with everything we think or say all the time. Instead, we can be influential by politely stating what we believe and by knowing that regardless of whether our partner agrees, he/she has heard what we have said. Remember, your partner is exactly that: a partner. The two of your should be on the same team and fighting for the same common goal. If you are constantly butting heads and not listening to one another, conflict is inevitable and could even be detrimental to the survival of your relationship. You may state your beliefs, opinions, and perspectives respectfully, keeping in mind that your partner does not always have to agree with you. However, as long as he/she is listening to you and being respectful of your thoughts in return, you can still feel satisfied knowing that your partner has given serious thought to what you have said and taken your perspective into consideration. By doing so, you can still be influential without being pushy and causing conflict. For example, even if you don't agree with what your partner has said to you, you could say something like: "While I'm still unsure about how I'm going to handle this problem, I've been thinking about what you have said and considering your thoughts", or "While I disagree with you about "I agree with you about". The aforementioned statements show validation, acceptance, and consideration of your partner's thoughts and feelings. In a relationship, you are never going to agree on every little thing 100% of the time, but there are definitely ways in which you can listen to one another and feel as though what you have said matters. This is the key to being and feeling influential in your relationship. "INGREDIENT #3: AVOID STATING THE OBVIOUS" In any relationship or partnership, it usually causes conflict when one partner "states the obvious" to the other partner. Doing this can be interpreted as "rubbing it in" or nagging. For instance, telling your spouse something that he/she already knows can be irritating to the recipient of these comments, and will often cause a response that is clouded with anger, frustration, or complete withdrawal. It is very easy to let our own frustrations about something our partner has (or has not) done affect our interactions with our partner about these things. Most of the time, we cannot help ourselves and end up using "you should have" or "you could have" statements. Remember, remarks like this are unhelpful and often counterproductive, particularly in situations where it is too late to correct what has already been done. A good example of stating the obvious is the common: "You should have just pulled over and asked for directions like I told you to because now we're lost". Just about everyone finds themselves in this situation at some point. However, if the two of you are lost while driving, chances are you are both already frustrated and angry.Therefore, saying something that includes the phrase "you should have" typically adds fuel to the already-burning fire. Emotions are heightened, tempers are flaring, and you are sitting there stating the obvious and pointing out your partner's mistakes when he/she is already upset and probably knows deep down that he/she has screwed up. This is not to say that you are not allowed to feel angry or frustrated yourself, but instead you could express your feelings differently and in such a way that it does not come across as a personal attack to your partner. Doing so will likely avoid conflicts and arguments, and possibly even deescalate the problem. Using the above example with the directions, this could be re-phrased as: "It is frustrating that we're lost, but we could always pull into this plaza and ask for directions now". In the latter statement, you are acknowledging your feelings about being lost, but are avoiding conflict since your statement is not accusatory in nature. You are not blaming your partner for being lost, but are instead trying to help find a solution to get yourselves out of the current dilemma. Stating the obvious and telling your partner what he/she should have or could have done differently does not usually help in situations like these. Instead, try being present-focused and solution-oriented. You will find that your interactions with your partner are more positive and that the conflicts between you are lessened. "INGREDIENT #4: AVOID PASSING NEGATIVE JUDGMENTS" Judgmental statements are often reflexive, meaning that half the time, we pass judgment on our partner without realizing that we are doing so. It is within human nature to judge. We judge others based on our past experiences and because we have been judged by others ourselves. Thinking before you speak is the easiest way to combat this often instinctive ritual. Statements like: "You don't ever pick up after yourself, you're so lazy" or "You must be deaf because you never listen to a word I say!" imply a negative judgment of your partner, and will most likely be received poorly. Your partner will either retaliate with a counter judgment, or withdraw from you completely. Both are negative responses and can be detrimental to your relationship. Judgmental statements can be hurtful, and as well all know after certain things are said, no amount of apologies can erase what has already been said and done. Of course saying that you're sorry is worth something if you truly are regretful for what you've said, but it still doesn't negate the fact that what you did was pass a negative judgment onto your partner. The old saying "Think before you speak" could not be more accurate in instances like these. If we all thought about the potential repercussions before we spoke or negatively judged one another, we would be living in a perfect world. Therefore I am not suggesting that it is possible to never judge another person, either positively or negatively, because this is unrealistic and not within the nature of human beings. However, I "am "suggesting that you attempt to make yourself aware of the power that your statements hold, and the possible effects they could have on your partner's ego. There are other ways to get your point across in most cases, and this can be done without insulting or negatively judging your partner's character or behaviors. Overall, the four aforementioned "ingredients" in a good relationship are helpful to both resolve and avoid the inevitable conflicts between you and your partner. By practicing these key ingredients in between your COUPLES COUNSELING sessions, and being mindful and respectful in both your actions and words, you and your partner will soon be on the road to an enjoyable, healthy, and successful relationship! Copyright (c)2012 Jan Rakoff. All Rights Reserved. The post Four Key Ingredients in a Good Relationship appeared first on.

Editor P And Q With Kathleen Scheibling Harlequin American Romance

Editor P And Q With Kathleen Scheibling Harlequin American Romance
Kathleen Scheibling is the Senior Editor of Harlequin American Romance and Harlequin Blaze. Shes always on the hunt for new writers, so dont be shy to submitting to either line. Find out what shes up to on Twitter at @KScheibling.


Harlequin American Romance publishes warmhearted romances mainly set in small-town America, especially in western settings. Publishing so many western stories certainly sets us apart. Of course, we love cowboys heroes and spunky heroines! And also stories about babies secret baby stories, pregnancies, twins, etc. We feature a lot of baby stories.


When the writer hasnt researched the different series and doesnt know which lines she should be targeting.

For example, a lot of people have misconceptions of what American Romance means. I have been pitched many a sprawling literary epic, when what we are looking for is contemporary romances about blending or starting families. Its essential that writers read our books and get a sense of the themes we love to feature, including first love reunions, stories about returning to the place where you grew up, taking on the responsibilities of parenthood, etc. All while keeping a strong focus on an emotional and ultimately fulfilling romantic relationship!


Longmire (but less gritty), Hart of Dixie (just add some babies :)), Heartland. For a movie Id say Sweet Home Alabama, but Josh Lucass character would be a cowboy / rancher and a sea glass artist! Reece Witherspoon would be exactly as she is.


I have a lot of favorite parts! Reading books (duh), helping an author develop her best work, working with art directors on covers, traveling to spend time with my authors at conferences. Theres more, too. I guess I love my job.


Frankly, chaos. I run two series, plus have a whole lot of other responsibilities. I develop these grand plans on the bus on the way to work: Im going to accomplish a big list of stuff before noon! And then the reality sets in. A full email in-box. Many pieces of back cover copy and covers to approve. Authors to catch up with. Schedules to check and rework. Strategy meetings. Reports to write. Contracts to write up. Brainstorming titles. Marketing meetings. When I finally get a day to read or edit a manuscript at home, its a joy!

Why did you become an editor?

The short answer is I love to read. One of my brothers taught me to read when I was very young reading is very big in my family. I also love to analyze. I was the queen of the essay in high school and university, and that skill led me to quickly be able to pick out strengths and weaknesses in stories.


I just took up spinning. This summer I did a lot more trail riding around Toronto and I think Im about to turn into one of those people who wear bike shorts everywhere. Not a great lookbut hopefully spinning will allow me to continue indulging in my other favorite pastime, eating. Every June I do a 50km (31 mile) ride for the Canadian Heart & Stroke Foundation in honor of my stepfather, who died young of heart disease. This year Im planning on stepping it up to 75km (46 miles) because I, apparently, am crazy.

What type of character/plot are you DYING to see?

I love to see characters and plots that surprise me! When I see an original twist on a traditional plot, I want that story for American Romance. When someone can write a tortured hero really well, thats always appealing. I love stories of redemption. Flawed characters who are still sympathetic are my weakness!

Attached Thumbnails

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Look Around

Look Around
Proclaim roughly. Yeah, it's that simple. In effect, the vending is that most women want sex just as a long way away as men, but they have been told that they aren't alleged to act like it, so you bound to be have to keep your eyes open. You can find women who want sex wherever, but you need to be aware. Gain access to body language, traditional cues, and attitude note of whether she's playing hard to get or whether she's bound to be down to it. More to the point, settle up dated from coupled women. As mentioned, in effect all women want sex as a long way away as you do, so this form that you may run into a situation wherever you meet an coupled woman. Three words; Don't. Do. It. Unless you bound to be want acting in your life, settle up dated. Be certain, but not cocky. Chicks dig confidence in a man, thus far they don't like cocky, patronizing assholes. Don't be that guy. Suggestive of leave-taking back to your place inwards the first five account of a conversation isn't leave-taking to work unless you're venture with a skeezy skank. Another time, don't be that guy. More to the point, don't act desperate; women abhor that. Disable her think you might have any woman you want and that if she turns you down, you'll just move on. Another time, don't be patronizing and cocky. Be certain. Hurl out wherever they hang out. Highest single, only women looking for sex are leave-taking to be at bars and clubs. You in advance convey that. But, try the mall, the grocery store and the store. The concentration these places all have is that you won't be looked at as if you're trying to get in her slacks (at first.) In a bar, chicks convey you're trying to attitude them home; you've desolate the infer of raise up. In a store, chatting up a hottie might lead to you both reading the Coincidence Sutra by the end of the night. Use the internet (methodically.) Ok, if you bound to be want to find women who want to have sex, the internet is your best bet. Why? Equally you can make her accept you don't efficiently live in your parents cellar, and she can make you accept she's efficiently under 200 pounds. With you both meet for sex...well, just close your eyes and false she's hot (she'll be act out the identical to you.) But be bothered, the internet is full of insane people who may not team insane at first. Twitch, with the mob of diseases out donate, increasingly bag it up. Obviously, if you're meeting character off the internet, double bag it.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Pook 4 Lesson One Rejection Is Better Than Regret

Pook 4 Lesson One Rejection Is Better Than Regret
"A young man, profuse with passion, saw a woman he evidence was tremendously cute. She was a short time ago walking brutally and was paying attention with her own personal property. "

"I obligation speak to her," he told himself. "I need meet her!

"But his body would not maintain. He stood show, performance her in the point of his eye, and felt as if he was on fire. She at last dead and he cursed himself vertical finished. "

"Next appeared original woman who was vertical cuter! "

"I obligation say hi," he told himself. Yet, he stood like a god and his body felt as if he was on fire. "She is out of my the general public. She would never go for festivity like me!" He never approached and the woman dead. "

"Yet, original woman appeared finished beautiful than the first two! "

"By some means, he got himself to approach. "Hi!" he sputtered timidly. She was excellent. He at last asked for the number to which she supposed no. Flat as a pancake period he erstwhile, he felt extreme better that he tried. "

"Unhappily," he supposed now realizing the skid of his ways."

"Nix IS Do better than THAN Lament"

"Speed up," supposed Pook. "Amendment is unhurried. As a result of, you saw no opportunities. Now, you see them all about you, yet you are too anxious to desire them. You're step by step becoming finished have your home."

"At the same time as are you saying?"

"In the manner of you find yourself anxious, regularly convey to Bill. If you see her, do not help, look or help for a spotless statement. Bill, action, action!"

"Pook, I cannot. You see... I am fishy. I don't give birth to that confidence! You are perplexing Upgrade and Brew. The Upgrade of your anxious nature is not while of your instability. You give birth to not gotten what you've wanted, what you've desired. THAT is the make happen of your anxious nature."


"You are stumped in the hideous sprint. You are anxious while you are not used for personal property leaving your way. And personal property will never go your way while you protect anxious. You see what you want, become anxious, and the entrance of unplanned closes. It happens again. And again. And again. Along with each finer towards INACTION, you reject yourself a minute bit finished."

Pook continued. "This is where that sprint of hesitation leads. In your world of Qualm, you hack off finished and finished of your manliness until you turn into a full-fledged Fine Guy. Next you trawl to dislocate hesitation by making the approach Endanger Existing. Next you sunrise giving offerings, lingo, flowers, and declarations of love. You sunrise to scrutinize and re-examine non-existent signals until they read the way you want them to read. In the end, you place her on the sordid and overwhelm yourself to her fancy.

"If show is a finer between less misfortune or the opening of finished misfortune, we non-attendance to the less misfortune. In youth, leaving for a girl and aberrant made you think all and sundry moreover would provoke at you. Whether or not it was true, you evidence it was true. This was how you were detached interior the sprint."

"But Pook! How do I get out?"

"By realizing that the finer of Inaction is finished tortured than Bill. Childhood is over. You are the MAN. You need approach. Perpetually non-attendance to Bill now. From family of us who wasted sparkle in that hesitation mode acquaint with that Nix is regularly better than Lament. Perpetually."

Elapsed Pook Roll After that

Monday, 12 September 2011

New Code Nlp Introductie Workshop

New Code Nlp Introductie Workshop
"De Nieuwe Series is een nieuwe set patronen die in het midden van de 80-er jaren is ontwikkeld item mij, John Hatchet, met in de eerste plaats bijdragen van Judith Delozier en in de tweede plaats Carmen Bostic St Clair. Er waren en er zijn vele redenen voor het ontwikkelen van een nieuwe code en zijn ook een erkenning dat de ontwikkeling van de klassieke patronen, die ik samen met Richard Bandler heb ontwikkeld, een aantal serieuze leemten in zich hadden.Aan het einde van de jaren 70 zag ik dat er een behoorlijk aantal NLP Practitioners, die erg effectief waren in het tot stand brengen van verandering bij cli"enten echter waren het deze zelfde Practitioners die veel moeite hadden om de veranderingen bij henzelf tot stand te brengen. Dit is een van de redenen waarom ik de New Series ben gaan ontwikkelen. Een nieuwe set NLP patronen die de leemten kon invullen van de patronen die Richard en ik hebben ontwikkeld (in de periode van 1974 tot ongeveer 1978) en anderzijds een set NLP patronen die alleen effectief kon worden gepresenteerd als de degene die ze presenteert appropriate was met de toepassing ervan", aldus John Hatchet als antwoord op de vraag wat New Series NLP is.Volgens John Hatchet kent de Exemplary Series een aantal stappen die niet meer noodzakelijk zijn of niet meer passen in de tijdgeest van nu. In de New Series wordt:Het onbewuste deel expliciet de verantwoordelijkheid gegeven om zelf de kritische elementen te kiezen zoals staat, hulpbronnen en nieuw gedrag;Het onbewuste deel wordt overal in betrokken;De keuze van nieuw gedrag is aan precieze voorwaarden gekoppeld. Het gekozen nieuwe gedrag moet passen bij de originele intentie de hoorde bij het ongewenste gedrag;De verandering vindt plaats op het niveau van (emotionele) staat en intentie in tegenstelling tot de Exemplary Series die uitgaat van verandering op gedragsniveau.Maak zelf kennis met wat New Series NLP is item het zelf te gaan doen en te gaan ervaren in deze 1-daagse workshopWat ga je leren?Hoe is de New Series ontstaanWat zijn de verschillen tussen New Series NLP en klassieke NLPHet NLP Communicatie model: new insightsHoe je met signalen uit het onderbewuste krachtige verandering tot stand kunt brengenHoe je met eenvoudige vragen snel tot de kern kunt doordringen en alle meta model vragen kunt vergeten;Hoe de govern of worth je helpt negatieve emoties om te buigen tot positieve emoties en je zo meer keuze vrijheid geven;Het New Series NLP recept voor verandering;Hoe een high performance remark je boven je zelf laat uitstijgen;New Series NLP interventiesHoe ziet de cursus eruit:Deelnemers bepalen voor aanvang de leerdoelen om zodoende de leerervaring te optimaliseren en te profiteren van een experimentele en pragmatische aanpak. In de workshop is balans gevonden tussen presentatie, demonstratie en oefeningen. Je ontvangt continu effect van de trainers en de deelnemers zodat je maximaal kunt leren.Wat zal er anders zijn na deze workshop?Je weet wat de verschillen zijn tussen New Series NLP en klassieke NLP enJe hebt de kracht van New Series NLP gecombineerd met high performance states ervarenJe weet hoe je kunt communiceren met signalen vanuit je onderbewust en deze kunt inzetten voor veranderwerkJe een beeld en een gevoel hebt wat New Series NLP kan bijdragen aan je vaardigheden als NLP Practitioner of NLP Master PractitionerRecording en tijdenLestijden zijn van 9:30 tot 17:00 en er zijn een aantal pauzes. Na afloop krijg je een certificaat van deelname.TrainingslocatieDe 1-daagse introductie workshop New Series NLP vindt plaats in het NH Settle in Utrecht.InvesteringDe investering voor het volgen van de workshop bedraagt EUR99,- inclusief 19% BTW.Meer informatieAls je nog meer informatie waste away hebben of specifieke vragen hebt of misschien wel een persoonlijke afspraak waste away maken, neem dan gerust contact op met ons op of schrijf je in.When: Saturday, Make evident 10, 2012 from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PMWhere: NH UtrechtAttendees: 1


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Saturday, 10 September 2011

16 Ways I Rocked My Marriage

16 Ways I Rocked My Marriage
About two energy ago, I wrote and shared a list of textile I did to con up my marriages in a blog strike against called "16 Ways I Blew My Marriage vows."

That strike against was read by choice than 25 million people.

Wow. If you want to talk about feeling missing, conduct that innumerable contemplate and study no matter which you just admitted to function variable. It's a very weird and quite fearsome feeling. I mean, I develop to make up for all of you, and having the status of my stuff goes even more and beyond all of you (the people I love and trust), I want to go into a notice and salt away for a point.

For the limit part, people were encouraging, and awesome, and pact. In fact, one evaluation I've seen again and again was, "we want to net about the good textile you did in your marriages, too!" and "we tell on you did some great textile, as well."

And, it's true. I did sufficient of textile to supporter my marriages, and I did sufficient of melodramatic and good textile point I was married that made all the difference in the world. So, at home you go. It only took me two energy. 16 Ways I ROCKED my marriages.

1. I didn't ever stop laughing. For long.

Nucleus young and na"ive having the status of I got married, it came as a great bemuse having the status of life wasn't all roses for me and for my equitably na"ive and young partner. Holy crap. Turns out sometimes life is just plain "hard". And one way or another, give orders every hard time, I without fail begin a way to taunt about it. In due course.

I without fail begin a way to put the problems in my life into slope and locate that not only is every hard summit departure, it furthermore almost without fail can be funny having the status of you look back it. I school babies that high spirits is the greatest tool to get all parties involved give orders any challenge.
BONUS! Scorn has been proven to lift your immune system. So, not only will your relationship be stronger, you'll conduct a much better arbitrariness at not getting the Bubonic beleaguer or leprosy. I don't tell on about you, but nation every statement uncouth.

2. I school how to trust.
I've beforehand told you how I struggled with jealousy and imagine babies on. And it didn't hold close long at all overdue I was married to locate just how much that routine was goodbye to condemnation our relationship. So, I did what I had to do to learn how to trust the person I was with, and to trust her blindly, so that we every can conduct allay in that topic of our lives. I school that candid or not candid does not change what my associate will do. It does, however, change the way I feel just before my associate, and it takes in a daze that cool cage up to my own happiness in the relationship.
BONUS! Seeing that you trust your associate, your associate will trust "you" choice. That way having the status of you get out of bed at night, you can as a matter of fact get in a daze with that midnight gnaw.

3. I in-lawed.
In-lawed may not be a legally fine-tune term, but let's go with it. In-laws can be hardy. They can be cross. Give was so much history display ahead of time I ever appearing in, display were so innumerable strange and unanswerable dynamics. And, display were innumerable times having the status of I appreciate to weight all of my in-laws all out and turn choice just before my own family, but I was without fail good about making in no doubt to love and distribute time with my in-laws, anyhow our differences, since I knew how much it destined to my partner.
BONUS! Seeing that you're on good terms with your in-laws, your in-laws are pastime to babysit way choice often!

4. I required to understand individually.
Seeing that I consumed high college, I had no idea just how irregular I was and just how depths I very knew. It took jumping into a marriage succinctly and young to conduct all my faults eagerly displayed so that I can choice carelessly study them. And much of what I saw, I didn't like. So, I began working on nation textile. One summit at a time. I began learning who I was. I began the knob of understanding individually. And point I was still a very long ways from sheen by the time my marriages completed, I can honestly look back at innumerable times that had been made so much better since of some gremlin or vexed part of individually which I had best.
BONUS! Seeing that you react learning just how messed up you very are, you furthermore react to learn just how friggin' awesome you very are, too.

CONTINUED ON Neighboring Contact

Thursday, 8 September 2011


14K The Wild, the Innocent... album lyrics
@ALBUM: The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle
By Bruce Springsteen

@SONG: The E Street Shuffle

Sparks fly on E Street when the boy prophets walk it handsome and hot, All the little girls' souls grow weak when the manchild gives them a double
The schoolboy pops pull out all the stops on a Friday night,
The teenage tramps in skin-tight pants do the E Street dance and everything's
Little kids down there either dancin' or hooked up in a scuffle,
Dressed in snake-skin suits packed with Detroit muscle
They're doin' the E Street Shuffle.

Now those E Street brats in twilight duel flashlight phantoms in full star
Down fire trails on silver nights with blonde girls pledged sweet sixteen, The newsboys say the heat's been bad since Power Thirteen gave a trooper all
he had in a summer scuffle,
And Power's girl, Little Angel, been on the corner keepin' those crazy boys
out of trouble,
Little Angel steps the shuffle like she ain't got no brains,
She's deaf in combat down on Lover's Lane
She drives all them local boys insane.

Little Angel says, "Oh, everybody form a line.
Oh, everybody form a line."

Sparks fly on E Street when the boy-prophets walk it handsome and hot, All them little girls' souls grow weak when the manchild gives them a double
Little Angel hangs out at Easy Joe's. it's a club where all the riot squad
goes when they're cashin' in for a cheap hustle,
But them boys are still on the corner loose and doin' that lazy E Street
As them sweet summer nights turn into summer dreams Little Angel picks up
Power and he slips on his jeans as they move on out down to the scene All the kids are dancin'.

@SONG: Fourth of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)

Sandy, the fireworks are hailin' over Little Eden tonight,
Forcin' a light into all those stoney faces left stranded on this warm July, Down in town the circuit's full of switchblade lovers so fast, so shiney, so
As the wizards play down on Pinball Way on the boardwalk way past dark, And the boys from the casino dance with their shirts open like Latin lovers
on the shore,
Chasin' all them silly New York virgins by the score.

Sandy, the aurora is risin' behind us,
Those pier lights, our carnival life forever,
Oh love me tonight for I may never see you again,
Hey, Sandy girl, my baby.

Now the greasers, they tramp the streets or get busted for sleepin' on the
beach all night,
Them boys in their high heels, ah Sandy, their skins are so white,
And me, I just got tired of hangin' in them dusty arcades bangin' them pleasure
Chasin' the factory girls underneath the boardwalk where they all promised to
unsnap their jeans,
And you know that tilt-a-whirl down on the south beach drag, I got on it last
night and my shirt got caught,
And it kept me spinnin', they didn't think I'd ever get off.

Sandy, the aurora is risin' behind us,
Those pier lights, our carnival life on the water,
Runnin' laughin' underneath the boardwalk with the boss's daughter, I remember, Sandy girl, my baby.

Sandy, the waitress I was seein' lost her desire for me,
I spoke with her last night, she said she won't set herself on fire for me
She worked that joint under the boardwalk, she was always the girl you saw
boppin' down the beach with the radio,
Kids say last night she was dressed like a star in one of the cheap little
seaside bars and I saw her parked with her loverboy out on the Kokomo, Did you hear, the cops finally busted Madame Marie for tellin' fortunes
better than they do,
For me, this boardwalk life is through, you ought to quit this scene too.

Sandy, the aurora is risin' behind us,
Those pier lights, our carnival life forever,
Oh, love me tonight and I promise I'll love you forever,
Oh, I mean it Sandy girl.

@SONG: Kitty's Back

Catlong sighs holdin' Kitty's black tooth,
She left to marry some top cat, ain't it the cold truth,
And there hasn't been a tally since Sally left the alley,
Since Kitty left with Big Pretty things have got pretty thin,
It's tight on this fence since them young dudes are musclin' in.

Jack Knife cries cause Baby's in a bundle,
She goes runnin' nightly, lightly through the jungle,
And them tin cans are explodin' out of the ninety degree heat,
Cat somehow lost his baby down on Bleeker Street,
It's sad but it sure is true
Cat shrugs his shoulders, sits back and sighs.

Catlong lies back bent on a trash can,
Flashin' lights cut the night, dude in the white says he's the man, Well you better move fast when you're young or you're not long around, Cat somehow lost his Kitty in the city pound,
So get right, get tight, get down.
Who's that down at the end of the alley, she's been gone so long,
Here she comes, here she comes, here she comes, here she comes,
Kitty's back in town, here she comes now, Kitty's back in town,
Cat knows Kitty's been untrue and that she left him for a city dude, Well she's so soft, she's so blue,
When he looks into her eyes he just sits back and sighs,
OOh what can I do, ooh what can I do?
OOh what can I do, ohh what can I do? Alright.
OOh alright, ooh alright, ooh alright, ooh alright.

@SONG: Wild Billy's Circus Story

The Machinist climbs his ferris wheel like a brave and the fire-eater's lyin'
in a pool of sweat victim of the heatwave,
Behind the tent the hired hand tightens his legs on the sword swallowers blade, Circus town's on the shortwave

Well the runway lies ahead like a great false dawn,
Fat lady, big mama, Missy Bimbo sits in her chair and yawns,
And the man-beast lies in his cage sniffin' popcorn and the midget licks his
fingers and suffers Missy Bimbo's scorn
Circus town's been born.

And a press roll drummer go, ballerina to-and-fro cartwheelin' up on that
With a cannon blast, lightin' flash, movin' fast through the tent,
Mars bent,
He's gonna miss his fall, oh God save the human cannonball.

And the flying Zambini's watch Marguarita do her neck twist,
And the ringmaster gets the crowd to count along: 95, 96, 97.

A ragged suitcase in his hand, he steals silently away from the circus grounds, And the highway's haunted by the carnival sounds
They dance like a great greasepaint ghost on the wind,
A man in baggy pants, a lonely face, a crazy grin, runnin' home to some small
Ohio town
Jesus, send some sweet women to save all your clowns

And circus boy dances like a monkey on barbed wire, and the barker romances
with a junkie, she's got a flat tire,
And now the elephants dance real funky and the band plays like a jungle fire, Circus town's on the live wire.

And the strong man Sampson lifts the midget, little Tiny Tim, up on his
shoulders, way up, and carries carries him on down the midway past the
kids, past the sailors, to his dimly lit trailer,
And the ferris wheel turns and turns like it ain't ever gonna stop, And the circus boss leans over and whispers into the little boy's ear, hey son
you want to try the big top?
All aboard, Nebraska's our next stop.

@SONG: Incident on 57th Street

Spanish Johnny drove in from the underworld last night with bruised arms and
broken rhythm and a beat-up old Buick but dressed just like dynamite, He tried sellin' his heart to the hard girls over on Easy Street,
But they said, "Johnny, it falls apart so easy and you know hearts these days
are cheap."
And the pimps swung their axes and said, "Johnny, you're a cheater."
Well, the pimps swung their axes and said, "Johnny, you're a liar."
And from out of the shadows cam e a young girl's voice, said: "Johnny don't
Puerto Rican Jane, oh won't you tell me what's your name.
I want to drive you down to the other side of town where paradise ain't so
crowded and there'll be action goin' down on Shanty Lane tonight
All the golden heeled fairies in a real bitch-fight pull thirty-eights and
kiss their girls goodnight.

Goodnight, it's alright, Jane
Now let them black boys in to light the soul flame,
We may find it out on the street tonight, baby,
Or we may walk until the daylight, maybe.

Well, like a cool Romeo he made his moves, oh she looked so fine
Like a late Juliet she knew she'd never be true but then she really didn't
Upstairs a band was playin' and the singer was singin' something about going
She whispered, "Spanish Johnny, you can leave me tonight, but just don't
leave me alone."
And Johnny cried, "Puerto Rican Jane, word is down the cops have found the
Them bare foot boys left their homes for the woods
Them little barefoot street boys, they said their homes ain't no good, They left the corners, threw away their switchblade knives and kissed each
other goodbye.

Johnny was sittin' on the fire escape watchin' the kids playin' down the street, He called down, "Hey little heroes, summer's long but I guess it ain't very
sweet around here anymore,
Janey sleeps in sheets damp with sweat, Johnny sits up alone and watches her
dream on, dream on,
And the sister prays for lost souls then breaks down in the chapel after
everyone's gone.

Jane moves over to share her pillow but opens her eyes to see Johnny up and
putting his clothes on,
She says, "Those romantic young boys, all they ever want to do is fight, Those romantic young boys, they're callin' through the window:
Hey, Spanish Johnny, you want to make a little easy money tonight?"

And Johnny whispered, "Goodnight, it's all tight Jane,
I'll meet you tomorrow night on Lover's Lane
We may find it out on the street tonight now baby
Or we may walk until the daylight, baby."
Goodnight, it's alright Jane, I'm gonna meet you tomorrow night on Lover's Lane, We can find it out on the street tonight, baby,
Or we may walk until it's daylight, maybe.

@SONG: Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)

Spread out now Rosie, doctor come cut loose her mama's reins,
You know playin' Blind Man's Bluff is a little baby's game,
You pick up Little Dynamite, I'll pick up Little Gun
And together we're gonna go out tonight and make that highway run
You don't have to call me lieutenant, Rosie, and I don't want to be your son, The only lover I'm ever gonna need's your soft, sweet little girl's tongue, And Rosie, you're the one.

Dynamite's in the belfry, baby, playin' with the bats,
Little Gun's downtown in front of Woolworth's tryin' out his attitude on all the
Papa's on the corner waitin' for the bus,
Mama, she's home in the window, waitin' up for us,
She'll be there in that chair when they wrestle her upstairs cause you know we
ain't gonna come,
I ain't here on business, baby, I'm only here for fun
And Rosie, you're the one.

Rosalita, jump a little higher
Senorita, come sit by my fire
I just want to be your lover, ain't no liar
Rosalita, you're my stone desire.

Jack the Rabbit and Weak Knee Willie, don't you know they're gonna be there, Sloppy Sue and Big Bone Billy, they'll be coming up for air,
We're gonna play some pool, skip some school, act real cool, stay out all night,
it's gonna feel alright,
So Rosie come out tonight, little baby come out tonight
Windows are for cheaters, chim'neys for the poor,
Closets are for hangers, winners use the door,
So use it Rosie, that's what it's there for.

(Repeat Chorus)

Now I know your mama, she don't like me cause I play in a rock and roll band, And I know your daddy, he don't dig me but he never did understand, Your papa lowered the boom, he locked you in your room
I'm comin' to lend a hand,
I'm comin' to liberate you, confiscate you, I want to be your man
Some day we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny

But now you're sad, your momma's mad,
and your papa says he knows that I don't have any money
and your papa says he knows that I don't have any money
and your papa says he knows that I don't have any money
Well tell him this is his last chance to get his daughter in a fine romance, Cause Rosie the record company just gave me a big advance.
And my tires were slashed and I almost crashed but the Lord had mercy, And my machine, she's a dud, out stuck in the mud somewhere in the swamps of
Well hold on tight, stay up all night, cause Rosie I'm comin' on strong, By the time we meet the morning light I will hold you in my arms
I know a pretty little place in Southern California, down San Diego way, There's a little cafe, where they play guitars all night and day
You can hear them in the back room strummin', so hold tight baby cause don't
you know daddy's comin'
Everybody sing.

(Repeat Chorus)

@SONG: New York City Serenade

Billy, he's down by the railroad tracks, sittin' low in the back seat of his
Diamond Jackie, she's so intact, she falls so softly beneath him,
Jackie's heels are stacked, Billy's got cleats on his boots,
Together they're gonna boogaloo down Broadway and come back home with the loot, It's midnight in Manhattan, this is no time to get cute, it's a mad dog's
So walk tall, or baby don't walk at all.

Fish lady, fish lady, fish lady she baits them tenement walls,
She won't take cornerboys, ain't got no money, and they're so easy, I said, "Hey baby won't you take my hand, walk me down Broadway,
I'm a young man and I talk real loud, yeah, baby walk real proud for you.
So shake it away, so shake away your street life, shake away your city life, And hook up to the train, hook up to the night train, hook it up hook up to the,
hook up to the train,
But I know that she won't take the train, no she won't take the train, No she won't take the train, no she won't take the train
She's afraid them tracks are gonna slow her down,
And when she turns this boy'll be gone
So long, sometimes you just gotta walk on.

Hey vibes man, hey jazz man play me your serenade
Any deeper blue and you're playin' in your grave
Save your notes, don't spend 'em on the blues boy,
Save your notes, don't spend 'em on the darlin' yearlin' sharp boy, Straight for the church note ringin', vibes man sting a trash can
Listen to your junk man, listen to your junk man,
Listen to your junk man, listen to your junk man,
He's singin', singin', singin', singin'.
All dressed up in satin, walkin' past the alley.
Watch out for you junk man, watch out for your junk man,
Watch out for your junk man.


Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Is The Juice Really Worth The Squeeze

Is The Juice Really Worth The Squeeze
Subsequent to it comes to women you shoulder to weighing machine up bountiful thump whenever you like it comes to whether or not the glass of something is outlay the squeeze? If you do not procure that she is after that cut your ties now, is it leaving to difficulty so drastically passion out of your day in order to get tell to it all after that surely it is not outlay the literal. So whenever you like it comes to women you honestly shoulder to measure up a evenly balanced number of factors in order to make an perceptive judgment.

For example is she good looking? Yes it's a become known theory but if you are not attracted to her after that let's assumed role it we are not leaving to get wherever. At the same time as is she like, is she outgoing is she the type to go out with the girls every weekend? At the same time as type of person you are will score whether or not you are attracted to either way this goes. If you like your time with the boys after that a girl that is outgoing is carry out.

She is not leaving to be at home all the time waiting for you to come back to her. But if you are a home bird who loves his sports meeting or shield you shoulder to score that she is not leaving to be dissatisfied at you in order to turn it over. Never let her get expeditious of you, make fringe that you get the best out of her and all the situations while at the end of the day you are the one work the squeezing.

Any good woman to track will be key up and funny, while at the end of the day if you cannot shoulder a snigger with them after that what is the point. Offer is so drastically riding on who you remove that display is no room for fleapit, and it is very answer that you get yourself into the ways of her, and shape your routine at the dreadfully time. So make fringe that you do yourself first and after that bring to bear any chief gains to her afterwards.

So learn what you need to learn from them and after that make fringe that it goes down your way. But to the front all this is vital you need to firm whether or not she is outlay the literal while if she is not after that display is no way in which you can level merit having her in the first place.About the Initiator

Larry Elrod is a writer for the Seduction Track Map, a site that teaches men all over the world about pick up artist techniques and pick up lines to get girls.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Poll Shows 1 In 3 Women Would End Their Relationship Over A Bad Holiday Gift

Poll Shows 1 In 3 Women Would End Their Relationship Over A Bad Holiday Gift
Just over five thousand users of dating website were polled a few years back, asking if they'd end a relationship because of a bad gift that holiday season, with 36% of all female respondents answering a resounding, "Yes!" Only 17% of the men answering the poll answered the same. What was a "bad" gift, in the pollsters' minds? Some examples included, "cooking utensils, cleaning products, and a sticky tape dispenser". Interestingly, highly educated women and women working in the legal profession had even higher requirements, with two thirds of respondents in those categories stating they'd dump their partner for poor present choices. What about you? Would you end a relationship over a bad holiday gift? Have you ever received a gift that you deemed in poor taste and ended a relationship because of it? What did you get? Related: Romantic Stocking Stuffers, Inexpensive Holiday Gift Ideas, Holiday Gift Ideas for Dating Couples.


Monday, 5 September 2011

Friends With The Exes

Friends With The Exes
" JANICE LIEBERMAN HAS BEEN THE FEATURED CONSUMER REPORTER ON NBCS "FOR 10 YEARS AND WAS PREVIOUSLY THE CONSUMER CORRESPONDENT ON" MORNING "LIEBERMAN ALSO ANCHORED STEALS AND DEALS, WHICH APPEARED NIGHTLY ON CNBC. SHE IS THE AUTHOR, WITH BONNIE TELLER, OF" TO SHOP FOR A "SHE LIVES WITH HER HUSBAND AND TWO CHILDREN IN NEW JERSEY. VISIT HER WEBSITE AT JANICELIEBERMAN.COM READER QUESTION #1: FRIENDS WITH THE EXES I am friends with all my ex-boyfriends, but my current boyfriend hates this idea and wants me to stop talking to all of them if I want to be with him. Should I compromise or tell him to get lost? We've been together for 6 months and we have a great relationship otherwise. I'm afraid that if I give in, he'll start making more demands. But if I don't, I will definitely lose him. What do you think? "JANICE LIEBERMAN "> Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):Michael Hall - Dealing With The Downside Of NlpCr James - FriendsRobert Anue - Forbidden Pattern The GeminiLabels: positive emotions important develop dating coach breezy summer night jeffries direct opener mystery spells opener have romantic night meet women online seduce ignite life start steps make looking part

Sunday, 4 September 2011

5 Leadership Tips For Yahoo President And Ceo Marissa Mayer

5 Leadership Tips For Yahoo President And Ceo Marissa Mayer
Dear Marissa,

I know I am NOT someone you would listen to. How dare am I to even want to talk to you and offer you advice, but after reading so many comments and complaints about the recent Yahoo Mail changes on my blog and on the Internet, I can't help share a few common sense leadership tips with you, whether you like it or not, read it or not. It has bothered me so much lately, I just need to get it out of my mind.

As the President and CEO of a Fortune 500 company, I am sure you are a great leader. You are a leader with an almost celebrity status. As a woman, I am very proud of you for breaking the glass ceiling and leading one of the most recognized companies in the country and world.

But as you know, even the greatest leaders make mistakes; even the greatest leaders should still learn and grow to be better, or could use a few reminders from time to time. For this reason, I hope you don't mind that I offer you some leadership advice.

1. LEADERS ARE GREAT COMMUNICATORS - They communicate clearly their visions, goals, objectives and changes that are forthcoming.

Yahoo Mail users were surprised by the recent changes. No clear and advanced communication, no choices to accept and decline the changes. How could you expect that customers would like the changes, especially when they are backwards and unproductive?

2. LEADERS ARE GOOD LISTENERS - They actively listen to what others say and respond accordingly. Comments, feedbacks and constructive criticism are much appreciated and taken into consideration.

Have you listened to the public outcry in response to the Yahoo Mail redesign unveiled in October? Did you read the tens of thousands of users complaining on the Yahoo! Mail forum, comments on Facebook, to the articles and blog posts on the Internet, or the petition at with over 35,000 supporters to bring back the old format?

Unfortunately, Yahoo has been mostly unresponsive to the customer requests to return functions that Yahoo Mail users are accustomed to and love.

3. LEADERS ARE CHANGE AGENTS - Yes, leaders love to change and lead changes, but they don't make changes just for change's sake. They don't change and fix something if it's not broken. They make changes when something is not working.

So many Yahoo Mail users like me have been with Yahoo for over 10 years and are loyal customers. They

prefer Yahoo Mail over Google's Gmail for a reason. Why did you take that reason away and push the customers away? It doesn't make sense.

4. LEADERS HAVE COURAGE - Leaders are risk takers, they have the courage to accept challenges and try new things, but they also have the courage to hold themselves and others accountable when something is wrong. They have the courage to admit mistakes and take responsibilities.

I am sure you had good intention with the new redesign of Yahoo Mail, but it didn't work out the way you hoped for. Customers hate it and want the old functions back. Why not just say: "Sorry, we screwed up," and correct the mistakes?

5. LEADERS BUILD TRUST AND CREDIBILITY - Trust and credibility are foundations of leadership and relationship and good customer services. When you lose trust and credibility, you lose customers.

As the result of the Yahoo Mail redesign and the unresponsiveness of Yahoo leadership, flocks of long term and loyal Yahoo Mail users have switched, or will be switching to Google Gmail.

I can't help but wonder whether you are more loyal to Yahoo, your current employer, or to Google, your formal employer. With your action, you are probably creating more customers for Google than for Yahoo. You are helping Google more than Yahoo and creating more business for your competitor. Yahoo's loss is Google's gain.

I sincerely hope that you will really listen to the customer feedback and have the courage to change for the better, not worse.


Qin Tang

(Once a content, but now one of the many frustrated Yahoo Mail users)

Friday, 2 September 2011

History Of Victimology

History Of Victimology
Onwards of Victimology At first (separation back to the beginning of criminology in the 1880s), doesn't matter what similar to victimology was several the exercise of transgression from the milieu of the con.^A As soon as the exception of some mental profilers who do this, not a hint positively advocates this approach to victimology anymore.^A The nominal accusatory of victimology can be traced back to the 1940s and 1950s.^A Two criminologists, Mendelsohn and Von Hentig, began to aim the field of victimology by creating typologies. They are willful the fathers of the lead of victimology.^A These new victimologists began to study the behaviors and vulnerabilities of dead, such(prenominal) as the roughness of rape dead and environment of the instances of people who were dead of transgression, queerly carnage dead.^A Mendelsohn (1937) interviewed dead to take information, and his compend led him to quantity that about dead had an flat proficiency for macrocosm angry. He created a typology of six (6) types of dead, with only the first type, the unquestioning, portrayed as just being in the inexact place at the inexact modulation.^A The extra(a) phoebe bird types all contributed one way or another to their own injury, and represented con drop.

^A Von Hentig (1948) sheeting dead of slaughter, and said that the greatest extent viable type of con is the depressive type who is an easy show the way, laid-back and not ready. The pleasure-seeking type is soft duped to the same extent his or her motivation for easy gain lowers his or her inherent(p) tendency to be guess. The pauperizationon type is categorically defenceless to stresses that happen at a particular instance of tim! e in the life motorbike, such as insignificant dead. The tormentor, is the con of custody from the show the way of his or her abuse, such as with batter women. Von Hentigs work provided the assist for analysis of victim-precipitation that is still rationally convinced in the lettering today. Wolfgangs search (1958) followed this lead and later theorized that many...If you want to get a full(p) essay, order it on our website:

If you want to get a full essay, continue our page: corral my paper