Thursday, 3 March 2011

How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend To Want You Back By Making Him Miss You

How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend To Want You Back By Making Him Miss You
Learning how to get your ex boyfriend to want you back may be a little easier said than done. Just dealing with a break up is tough within itself. Things were going great between you and your boyfriend, at least seemingly. Then suddenly he tell you that he wants to break up with you. Maybe he said that he wants "space," or that he wants to see other people. There is also the classic "It's not you, it's me" excuse. All you know is that the relationship was good and that you two really loved each other. Alternatively, maybe the relationship was rocky, and even though the relationship was having its share of problems, you still love him and want the two of you to stay together. Whatever your scenario, you want him to miss you just as much as you miss him.

You can make him miss you, but if you are doing any of the following things on the list below, it's time to stop them because they are not doing anything to make him miss you or to help you reconcile the relationship between you and your ex:

- Being desperate

- Calling, texting, messaging, e-mailing, tweeting (if you have a Twitter) him multiple times a day

- Begging him to come back.

- Constantly following him to places he frequents (otherwise known as stalking)

- Crying a river of tears.

- Telling him you love him over and over again.

These are a few mistakes that women make (as well as men) when it comes to trying to get their ex back. If you want him to miss you, then doing the things on the above list is not going to make him miss you. In order for a person to be missed, they have to either be gone or distant. Here are some methods to help make your boyfriend miss you.

1. Don't call him...AT ALL! As a matter of fact, sever all communication between him for now. That not only goes for phone calls, but texting, messaging him on social sites like Twitter and Facebook, e-mailing him, writing him letters, etc. Leave it all behind. Also, if he calls you or sends you a message, don't respond. Don't answer his calls or respond back. You want him to miss you, right? You have to allow yourself to be missed. You can't make yourself miss if you are so quick to be available to him. Give him a chance to see what life is like without you.

2. After a bit of time has passed and you want to ease back into contact with him, bring up some great memories that the two of you have together. Bring up the good times or bring up few things that you used to do for him that he loved. Guys cherish good and times they've shared with their girlfriends just as much as women do. Bring up those great memories will elicit those feelings and emotions with it. He may even become sentimental. You can also trigger a memory. Was there a fragrance that he LOVED on you? Was there an outfit that he loved seeing you in? If possible, wear those things when you know you will run into your ex.

3. Go out and enjoy your life. Don't be too consumed about the break up and getting him back. Staying busy and living your life will let him see that you aren't letting the break up get in the way of your life. Also, it can make him wonder about you. Are you with another guy? What have you been doing since the two of you broke up?

There are other things that can be done, but the things on the list can help make your boyfriend miss you. If you want your ex boyfriend back, you have to be dedicated and patient.



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