* EVERY RELATIONSHIP MAKES YOU WISER. While this particular relationship may have come to the end, it certainly doesn't mark the end of all relationships in your life. Think about how much you've learned in the years you've been dating. Are you the same person you were when you were with your first girlfriend or boyfriend? Likely not, and the experiences of those relationships, even if they ended badly, have made you the smarter, wiser person you are today. This breakup only builds on that knowledge and will help you the next time around.
* YOU'VE GAINED A BETTER SENSE OF WHAT YOU WANT. If the person you were with turned out to not be so great after all, consider it a blessing that you broke up. However painful, now you have the chance to find someone that will be a better fit for you, appreciate you more and make you happier than your previous partner. Without the experience of breaking up you may not have figured these things out, and you're not really starting over but building on what you already know.
* YOU HAVE MORE TIME TO FOCUS ON YOU. While your relationship may be over your life is far from it. Without someone else to occupy your time you can focus on doing things that interest you. Travel to a new country, take a class, learn a language or finally go skydiving. Sometimes even when it's against your will freedom can be a gift and can help push you in the right direction and make you a stronger, more-centered person.
* RELATIONSHIPS ARE ONLY ONE PART OF YOUR LIFE. Yes, you might have to start the search for a partner over again, but that doesn't mean your whole life is starting over. You're a different person with different experiences now, so you're not starting over but moving on. Unless you decide to quit your job and move halfway around the world the only thing that's really changing is your relationship status, so hold on to the things that are stable.
Getting through a breakup can feel like an insurmountable task but one that can be a little easier to get through if you look at it from a different perspective. You may have lost a big part of your life, but you've also gained some other things that can be pretty valuable as well, leaving you not to start over but to grow wiser and stronger as you move towards another chapter in your life.
Credit: dating-for-black-men.blogspot.com
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