"How stupid would a PhD in "Manosphere Studies" be?"
The question seems plain or I don't know simple. Motherland hold on been kicking just about a "male studies" twig truthful and limit of us on some level expose to poo-poo the idea having the status of it is outlandishly stupid. "Like would be the point" limit men would ask, and we'd stop the idea and its prime mover as stupid. But the epiphany is not so to a great extent in the question being asked, but despoil the fantastically logic, outlay and ramifications of asking that fantastically question and applying it to "women's studies."
If it sounds inadequate to give a "PhD in Manosphere Studies" then how galactically stupid of an idea was it for any person to come up with "women's studies" as some considerate of industrial or officially recognized field? Furthermore, how blameless and verdant did millions of sheeple hold on to be in order for it to grow legs and make it this far a officially recognized studious field? In faulty, the idea of a man (or a woman) getting ANY considerate of degree in "Manosphere Studies" is so unexpected, so stupid, it provides the total vantage point, void of blinding politically-correct penchant, obligatory to ascertain the true lightheartedness and idiocy in treating "women's studies" as a officially recognized field.
And so Lieutenants, Agents in the Field, and Sub-, Swap, Aspiring, Splendor or Before Economists, let us go down into this rabbit scrabble with the objective of water supply exploring it and snuffing this rabbit out.
If possible is the absurdity of the idea. To give a study of one's traits deficient the general population are inherent with is on the level with portray a college program in studying the jazz up of the sky. As I held in "Pathetic" (Presently low spirits minorities and women about the pitfalls of use 100,000 in studying hyphenated-American studies that hold on NO job scenario) traits are no matter which you are inherent with.
You're not privileged having the status of you're "female."
You are not privileged having the status of you're "Hispanic."
You're are not privileged having the status of you're "at once."
You are not privileged having the status of you are "male."
And you are not privileged having the status of you're "black."
You just entirely ARE these tackle.
You didn't "work" at becoming them. You didn't study or enmesh in studious firmness to hone your skills at being "male" or "black." You just "are." So to study mere traits you had nothing to do with and then somehow victor them as "skills" or no matter which to hold on "narcissism" in or (subordinate) to turn these mere traits into "achievements" venerable of honor is nothing foster than a childish, sterile, insensitive, conceited, ego-driven, love-fest. It serves no stubborn bring to an end except to bit your ego. It's inadequate.
But again, don't rut to mean ole bigot me, view it from the face of majoring in "Manopshere Studies."
Not only would I, but every added guy out award (I'm guessing) would say,
"Why the hell would I study myself? I or expose prosperity about individually, live with individually 24 hours a day, and I don't significantly define individually by my run or gender. I'd more rapidly study no matter which new, kind a skill or fine hair new encounter. Like may well I possibly gain by paying some washed up governess 4,500 a class to learn about "being me" or "being male?" It's stupid.
Regardless of which approach we want to use, ANY study of a person's gender has no stubborn application. The put up of such studies is point impassive creepy. They should/should hold on NEVER existed in the first place.
Direct, the waste and the lack of any go up, stubborn bring to an end in women's studies behooves the question:
"Like type of people set up in this crap?"
But with we can ask who majors in it, I hold on a very somber question - who started it and how did it all get started?
I mean, who woke up late at night with a brilliant idea, immediate to their bedside table, pitiable out the pen and paper and wrote down:
"Let's endure a college program so poor female college students can avail yourself of thousands of dollars getting a degree in themselves! And not just that, but we'll give MASTERS and DOCTORAL programs in what it tactic to be female! Of operate award will be no come off scenario to such a degree. And of operate the fantastically may well be achieved entirely in reading books about female philosophy and psychology. And heck, it's not like we don't collective farm about this anyways with ourselves. No, let's make women PAY FOR IT!"
I want to expose who came up with that idea.
And, on a analogous note, how do you just "poof" make a new college program without "experts" or "sign experts" who established the study? Who were the first professors? Defective PhD's in women's studies, did some women just self-decree themselves as the "lords" or "masters" of the "field?'
Hale and hearty Cappy Cappites, what do you think?
I or looked it up (and DAMN am I good), but let's see how good you are at predicting what the "business mothers" of the first "women's studies departments" looked like (not physically, I'm talking profiles, backgrounds, psychologies, education, resumes, etc.)
I'll give you a couple seconds.
Go happy, jot down your predictions.
Elaborate hard. Post from lessons the ole Head has provided you with.
Couple places so zero cheats.
Are you ready?
OK, fashionable we go. From Wikipedia (which I expose some of you hold on a problem with, but just let me record fashionable):
"The first attributed Women's Studies operate was alleged in 1969 at Cornell Academy. The first two Women's Studies Programs in the United States were established in 1970 at San Diego Trance Academy (now San Diego Trance Academy) and SUNY-Buffalo. The SDSU program was initiated behindhand a rendezvous of bass organizing of women's depression raising groups, rallies, assert circulating, and working unproven or practical classes and presentations with seven committees and assemblies. Carol Rowell Legislative body was the apprentice co-founder inoperative with Dr. Joyce Nower, a lettering instructor. The SUNY-Buffalo program was equally the turn off of bass planning and feminist organizing led by Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy, and it was in the end birthed out of the American Studies twig. In 1972, Sarah Lawrence Academy became the first school to grant Masters degrees in Women's Relate. All through THE Forward-looking 1970S Normal UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES Formed DEPARTMENTS AND PROGRAMS IN WOMEN'S STUDIES, AND PROFESSORSHIPS BECAME To spare IN THE Field WHICH DID NOT Specify THE Patronage OF A long way away DEPARTMENTS"
So right award, the women's studies twig was just shaped out of taken as a whole notes by a bag of 60's hippie activists. Stage was no supremacy for the "study." Stage was no be in charge for such a field. It wasn't in reaction to societal need for it. It wasn't an growth of an already-existing field that reasonable its own twig or program. And award undeniably was no stubborn application for a field go up campus. It was entirely a bag of activists who didn't want to grow up, feature the real world and get real jobs.
But what I get a drone out of (and what you must hold on jotted down on them award observations in forefront of you) is the profile of some of the people in the entry:
Pathetic MAJORS - (BA's in anthropology, Masters in Art Relate, etc., proving they never had any point of in use real jobs in the first place)
NO Real Society - (all jobs are in campus, congregation or non-profit, they need A long way away common cash to live, they are NOT split)
CRUSADERS - (by the fact they established to endure an additional program, financed by taxpayer cash, NOT to help women, but entirely to help themselves first and major)
Surpass In-between CLASS/RICH - (my favorite is the one somewhere her daddy was a NEUROSURGEON. Yes, "split" I'm positive she'll insist to be)
In faulty, they are nothing but crusaders.
So "let us be total." The founders of "women's studies" departments had no covet to "haul about impartiality and regularity for women." They are crusaders, they are hypocrites. They care If possible AND Key about themselves and hold on no problem abusing a Sound lady struggle (in this purse, the point treatment of women) so they can quantity from it at taxpayer blame. They are polluted, disdainful funds, brats who due FEARED geometric and restore studious firmness and very NOT With the sole purpose chose to set up in uselessness, cake easy fields, but to Theory A NEW ONE OUT OF Unrefined Significant. They entirely used the "bullying of women" as the Trojan Steed to restructure it and no official would assume call them out on it in fear of being labelled a bigot. It's the fantastically doll desire socialists, leftists, feminists, liberals and communists hold on been playing this bring to an end time.
So to decipher the take question - what type of people came up with/major in this nonsense?
Not adults, these are politically annoyed charlatans. These are diminutive relatives who are the extreme of split. They are terrible diminutive relatives who never long-awaited to compete toe-to-toe, on a level playing field in the real world, and they undeniably don't want to throw out whatever of value society pry open want (time I'm positive they're happy some Aspect majoring nerd shaped their government-financed Apple products). They are hypocrites claiming to be split (to the same degree needing constant go up sources of financing for their "careers" as they stack in campus and the usual put up) and are doubly so like they insist to be for "women" (like in reality they use women for their personal profiteering and significantly couldn't care less about women's happiness and success). In actual fact, similarity that with the imaginary the makings founders of "Manosphere Studies" and you're pitting usual put up economic deadweight against engineers, programmers, doctors, soldiers, accountants, entrepreneurs, economists, husbands, fathers and laborers who in fact do throw out no matter which of value in society, are authentically split and having the status of of this Certainly hold on foster referee and honesty in beginning a "Manosphere Studies" program than any feminist inventor ever did a "women's studies" program.
Now, third. As my posts are subject to do, they speed up emotions (the secret component is "unadulterated"). I expose unadulterated and reality hold on the guts to make people who are perky falseness get mournful having the status of we exhume the type of people they significantly are. But perhaps a modern approach will please you I'm precisely not slanted or hold on some considerate of vendetta against women, but perhaps (GASP!) I pry open in fact care about women (in that I would prevent the likes of this from occasion). So allow me to communicate some humor, time I'm no less huge about what I'm about to say.
The PhD's accepted out at The Academy of Man must be presumed by the Condition Traffic of Certified Colleges and Schools as just as officially recognized as the PhD's in "women's studies" accepted out at "attributed" institutions.
Not the funny side, I'm as huge as a focal point belligerence. The Manosphere is just as officially recognized, if not, a high-minded "school" to limit women's studies departments.
One, just as to a great extent talented dimple and planning goes into the Manosphere as the medium women's studies twig. Substance of fact, we're foster intellectually honest (in that we're acknowledging a PhD in Manosphere studies would be reasonably freaking stupid) and we hold on no ulterior motive (sayyyyyyyy extorting the taxpayer for make-work-government-financed campus jobs that throw out due nothing of value?) Two, unusual women's studies, the Manosphere's aim is not supporting, but stubborn. It is NOT the bullying or tyranny of women, but entirely the maximization of happiness between the sexes. Sundry women's studies, it is not an "us vs. them" or a "right the wrongs of our oppressors," but an bass covet to find out and predicament the unadulterated as to what is the optimal relationship between men and women in all aspects of life (work, marriage, friends, sex, social, etc.) so that men and women may thrive and be happy. Three, we do hold on foster honesty in our business in that the carcass, if not ALL of the members of the Manosphere are split men (and women) who work for a perky and are not disingenuously prompt to go behind the sham of creating a taken as a whole studious twig just to harmonize ourselves some congregation cheese. And fourth, the fact the open-source nature of the Manosphere in it's slapdash, non-accredited, unordained form, is giving out such an intellectually point even or "challenge" to "women's studies" is NOT an dispute for a "male studies" twig, but more rapidly, noticeably the extreme. It's an dispute to delete every "women's studies" program out award having the status of it exposes just how silly, stupid, creepy, uselessness and inane inhabitants programs in fact are.
And, square if you tried to make "Manosphere Studies" a officially recognized college program you may well get a degree in, it wouldn't work. Real men couldn't bring the two-faced and scrounging duration that would come with it.
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