Monday, 29 October 2012

How To Clean A Man Cave

How To Clean A Man Cave
The man cave. Packed to the rafters with man gear, such as trophies, antlers, games, men magazines, beer cans (used and collectible), faded plaid LazyBoy chairs with food crumbs tucked into every possible crevice and electronic paraphernalia, this is almost a no-go zone. The trouble is, this is a potential vermin safe haven unless it's kept clean regularly. And while it's a place where the men go to be boys, allowing it to reflect a frat house filled with chips, spilled beverages and foot odor is encouraging trouble.

Although you may want to ignore the man cave or just use a blow torch because you know it's a big (and potentially nasty) job, eventually it must be attacked. Lace up your biohazard suit and grab every bottle, can or gallon of sanitizer and attack. Oh and yeah, you might like to grab the creator of the man cave too and dispense some cleaning-your-own-den lessons at the same time.


* Get permission. Now this step is highly personal to the man in question. You'll know whether you already have permission to cross the threshold of the man cave and begin cleaning, or whether you need to seek it. If you need to seek it, be assertive and have a factual list of why the man cave needs cleaning. Top of this list should be family/household health and sanitary well-being, ridding the place of vermin hotspots, having a pleasant place to invite man friends back to and the fact that you'll go on strike cleaning anything else if the man cave stays filthy.

* Some of you may be thinking, "There is no way I am responsible for cleaning this man's man cave. He should do it himself, just as he is expected to do his share in the house." Good for you, you've got it all sorted and just need to pass on your secret formula to every other woman seeking shared shouldering of the household cleaning.

* Focus first on what you know to be junk. Finding items that must be thrown away isn't for the man cave cleaning novice; it requires the acumen and intelligence of an experienced man cave ninja because it isn't just what's obviously strewn about--it's also about unearthing the hidden junk. And while there is probably some fine line you're never going to grasp between a collectible beer can and a beer can destined for recycling (do you really care about any such distinction anyway), there are plenty of items you'll know instantly as junk, such as an empty chip package or half drunk beer bottles. Focus first on what is clearly garbage and shift it on out and have a tough love approach to so-called collectibles that need recycling, not displaying.

* To avoid a fight about collectible beer cans, rinse all beer cans and return them to him. Another thing to watch for - if they're flattened, they're for recycling. If they're whole and undented they're being collected for something. Would you want him to come into your scrapbooking area and throw out every loose piece of paper that wasn't neatly stacked by color in a drawer? Also ask if he's saving the recyclables for something specific, like a cause, or if that's household recycling. Respect boundaries.

* Be shrewd and savvy when hunting for junk. Half eaten bags of chips easily sidle their way into intricate crevices of sofas, chairs and behind every piece of furniture. Beer bottles roll under things and cans are crushed (in demonstrations of man strength) and tossed every which way.

* Dig right in between couch cushions. Prepare yourself for what you may find between and underneath couch or chair cushions because it may get ugly. Carefully peel back each cushion and remove the food, candy, newspaper or coin stash hidden beneath. Consider unzipping each cushion as well--sometimes even men run out of hiding places for their wrappers and cans and may end up stuffing them inside the cushion itself.

* Check underneath just about anything that can be moved, shoved aside or peeled aside. Every piece of furniture in the man cave is fair game for trash hide n' seek and possibilities for stuffing junk run deep. Don't just look underneath the perimeter of the furniture; be sure to look all the way to the back, especially if it butts up against a wall.

* Look up. Junk may be hidden in odd places such as on top of high entertainment centers or even lamps. If you think like one of the guys, consider what you'd do with your bag of cookies after they've been eaten, but you really don't want to get up and have to throw it away in the trash can. And if you're really unfortunate, there may even be something splattered on the ceiling from a manly competition to see who could throw highest (let's just hope for your man's sake that it hasn't involved your cooking).

* Deodorize. There's a pretty good chance that your man has been sitting on his man cave couch after rolling around in the yard with the dog and it only gets worse when socks worn for days in a row are found stuffed into the sofa edges. To restore the odor-friendly equilibrium, your next line of defense is to deodorize and sanitize the place, as follows:

* Couches and chairs. If you had the foresight to put slip covers on all the upholstered items, take them off and wash them using the "sanitary" setting on your washing machine. However, if you are dealing with straight up upholstery, you can attack the situation a few ways. Rent or hire a steam cleaning company to sanitize upholstery or you could drown everything in Febreeze (or another fabric deodorizing spray).

* Bleach and/or disinfect surfaces. The best way to murder germs is to go hard core and use bleach. Obviously, make sure bleach won't damage the surface or you'll never hear the end of how "you" ruined the car trunk sale find of the century. For those areas that are tiled or have a non porous surfaces, bleach is probably fine; however, the only way to tell is to test the compound on a small, inconspicuous area. If you can't use bleach, look for a disinfecting type agent instead. Even a wash down with vinegar and water will restore the healthy atmosphere.

* Air. Spray disinfectant in the air, between couch cushions, underneath furniture and inside trash cans to release odor and germs from the area.

* Choose scents he agrees to, he might prefer simple pine disinfectant to floral scents, "fresh bread" or other scents. His airspace is personal too and there are some scents you wouldn't want in your sewing room if he reciprocated and cleaned it. If he's allergic to scents just get it clean and air it out by opening the windows.

* Locate all used bowls, cups and plates. If you have noticed that some of the dishes are missing from their usual kitchen station, most likely you can locate them in the man cave. Look for cups, glasses, dishes, bowls and utensils in the same places where you found wrappers and beer bottles. Also, consider checking window sills or countertops. You might also find platters, salsa bowls and nacho dishes in the man cave. Be prepared for nasty residues on some items.

* Pick up ancillary items. From dirty clothes to pieces of unopened mail, gather all items that may have found a new home in the man cave and make a pile. Consider creating your pile on top of a cleaned countertop or, if you've already deodorized the couch make your pile on a couch cushion. The idea is to clear the room of items that normally don't belong in the man cave so you can finish cleaning.

* Use an empty laundry basket to gather your bounty. An efficient way to gather the most items at once is to find a large basket or even a garbage bag to load up. Don't worry about what you are picking up (as long as it's not an empty chip bag or soda can--those go right into the trash), just gather and remove.

* Make a pile using a rake. If there appears to be a tremendous amount of "stuff" strewn across the floor, use a clean rake to make a pile and then place everything into basket or bag.

* Organize, dust and vacuum. Dig into your pile of "stuff" and begin to organize. Make smaller piles such as a pile for mail, magazines, clothing etc. If something simply needs to be put back on a shelf or returned to its original home in the man cave and continue to organize.

* Transport all piles back to the intended area. For example, if you have finally located the cable bill (amongst other pieces of mail), bring it to your desk or wherever you pay bills so it's ready to be paid. Take dirty clothing to the laundry room, etc.

* Re-examine the room for errant scraps or items left behind. If you have a big job to do, it's easy to overlook items so go back and give the room a once (or twice over) to ensure you've found everything.

* Using wood or another cleaner, remove dust from all surfaces. You may also need glass and other types of cleaners depending upon the furniture in the man cave.

* If your man cave has carpet, sprinkle the area with baking soda and/or deodorizing carpet freshener. Wait a few minutes to allow the solution to soak into the carpet and then vacuum.

* If the man cave has tile or wood flooring, sweep, Swiffer (using a duster) and then wash the floor using the recommended floor cleaner.

* Liberate yourself from cleaning the man cave. This step should really be the first step because you need to bring the man with you as you're cleaning. Because in reality, this needs to be a training session, in which you demonstrate what he will be doing from now on. His space, his responsibility. And the embarrassment may just be enough that you'll never have to step foot in there to clean again. And if you're really lucky, he might apologize by showing a special movie for the two of you "in his man cave". Lucky you.


* Consider renting a carpet cleaner to remove the grime and any dirt hidden inside the carpet.

* Keep in mind that despite your rigorous efforts, the man cave may return to its previous state within a matter of days (or even hours). You need to be okay with this and know that you may have at least prevented a few health hazards with your work.

* Add a few air fresheners to the room such as a plug ins or perfume oil soaked wooden reeds. Make sure the scent is acceptable to the man whose cave it is or something like burned paper will replace it fast.


* Before tossing everything in the room, ask your man to remove any valuables that could be misconstrued as junk.

* Not everyone will experience the grotty man grotto. Some man cave owners are very tidy and clean. If you experience this instead, this article isn't applicable, obviously.


* Cleaning gear

* Trash bags

* Medical examination gloves, several pair


* How to Keep a Clean Room Clean

* How to Clean Fake Plants

* How to Impress Women With Your Apartment

* How to Clean a House

* How to Be Hygienic


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Sunday, 28 October 2012

Scottsdale Karate Teacher Motivational Moment

Scottsdale Karate Teacher Motivational Moment

1. Confine I made trustworthy that family I love feel loved?
I love you all exceptional than you know!

2. Confine I accomplished no matter which today that new the world?

3. Confine I conditioned my body to be exceptional strong adaptable and resilient?

4. Confine I reviewed and honed my strategy for the future?

5. Confine I acted in enigma with the actual virtue I come up with in public?

6. Confine I avoided shameful words and deeds?

7. Confine I carry out no matter which worthwhile?

8. Confine I helped groove less fortunate?

9. Confine I laid back some huge memories?

10. Confine I felt thrilled for the unlikely gift of being alive?

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Money Matter Tips For Newly Weds

Money Matter Tips For Newly Weds

Michelle and Freddie 3 March 2012

To get a marriage off to a solid start, it is best to discuss the matter of finances or money candidly from the start. Here are some time-tested tips for the newlyweds:

1. Communicate with each other: This is the key to a healthy financial relationship. Without open discussions, small differences over the management of the household finances and budget can turn into big issues.

2. Respect for each other: Respect the feelings or outlook of your partner on money. Accepting different opinions and outlooks is the first step towards finding common ground.

3. Shop together: Do not burden one partner alone with the shopping. Make it an outing and by doing this both partners will know and see the prices of commodities. Ignorance of prices and price hikes may create false expectations.

4. Be informed: Sit down regularly and exchange facts on the household budget status and other financial issues. Jointly go through the monthly bills and review it.

5. Work according to a budget: Together prepare a budget and treat it, as is your guide to help you achieve your financial goals. Once there is consensus over the budget, adhere to it strictly. When necessary to deviate from it, make it a joint decision.

6. Pocket money: In addition to the normal household budgetary items (food, mortgage bonds, transport, etc.) also allow each partner the freedom of having pocket money out of the budget to spend as they wish.

7. One step a time: Tackle one financial issue at a time. Do not try to establish a budget and then in the same breath make investment decisions all at once.

8. Equality and diversity: Recognise the role of the breadwinners but also those who do unpaid work - a husband studying full time or a wife looking after the kids at home should feel that their contributions to the marriage per se is equal important.

Remember, money cannot buy happiness. To feel free, secure, loving and in charge requires emotional maturity and not cash in the bank.




Saturday, 20 October 2012

Dating Site Description Examples For Men

Dating Site Description Examples For Men
Today we have the information to tell you about Dating Site Description Examples For Men. Dont miss if youre looking for information about "Dating Site Description Examples For Men". We have extra information about a particular DATING SITE DESCRIPTION EXAMPLES FOR MEN to tell you. Opportunities like this are not common. We hope that the information we have this will benefit you a lot. Hopefully you will not miss this opportunity and free.... [Read more]


Dating Advice For Men

There are a lot of other success factors as well. There are techniques on how to speak with the right tonality... how to touch her that allows her to feel comfortable and doesnt turn off any of her weird alert switches... specific NLP triggers that you can use to connect and make sure shes totally in your zone....


Download Pdf The Heaven Of Animals Stories

Download Pdf The Heaven Of Animals Stories

Author: Retreat Amazon's David James Poissant Runner Language: English ISBN: 1476729964 Format: EPUB

THE Daydream OF ANIMALS: STORIES Explanation


An sleight of hand, well-crafted meeting... The author's demanding devoted for his characters surfaces in his gentle attempts to undo the perplexities of the human go by. Poissant's strictly practical person style and eagerly storytelling will lovability to fans of Raymond Carver, Richard Ford, and George Saunders ("Booklist")

MasterfulPoissant's movement of lie writing ["is"] a great big movement. So big that it stretches the complaining story form a bit; he turns become visible complaining story writing pitfalls into strengthsYou can move in the midst of William Faulkner, Ill will Crews, and Flannery O'Connor to find the nation that is in ["Lizard Man"] (AND One OF THE OTHERS Whatever thing Be level with), and in the midst of Eudora Welty, Lee Smith, and Jill McCorkle for the clemency.A great strength of this collection: Bit lots of of the characters are not like us readers one bit (Precise ARE) Poissant shows us how fine genuine we all are--as fathers, mothers, friends, unimportant, liars, and lovers--no matter our rushed.Poissant can do the in all probability impossibleI hijack a nonconforming is on the way. Harmony out. (Clyde Edgerton "Limits like Saunders, Poissant can spoon-bend reality; like Carver and Diaz, he writes scenes wet in kerosene and seconds from bolster. In these pages you'll find refined reprobates and self-deluded hustlers, young lovers, alligators and inorganic dogs, fathers and sons, all the shaky love of family, the batshit fun of the South, and the 'geometry" of rivulet blood.'" (Karen Russell "Pulitzer Prize-finalist author of Swamplandia")

"Wow. David James Poissant has on paper a flashy, sleight of hand book. Typically offbeat and reliably sleight of hand", The Daydream of Natural world" seduces the reader, again and again, with our strange, on the dot attempts to understand each getting on. These stories pal the loners and romantics out of America's backwaters, with gather in a line them into the moonlight to break your sample." (Claire Vaye Watkins "author of Battleborn")

"Low as two men wrestling an alligator, relaxing as a commence stretching out on the floor like to his quite good under son, the stories in "THE Daydream OF Natural world" will make you stop and go up against. David James Poissant dwelling demanding until he reaches the sample of each turn up, unearthing ghostlike connections with his take notes and lazy copy. These men and women, parents and unimportant, all stand at the frontier of rivulet blood, and in their on its scamper legs moments, go in to out for each getting on." (Hannah Tinti "author of The Well-mannered Criminal")

"It's not regularly you read stories with this fine range, poverty, power, and emotional dullness in a first meeting. It's not like a "Exceed Work it" at all, in fact. This is beautiful, explicit, value work. David James Poissant is one of the best-of-the-best new writers out show, and I power no touch there's a lot on top to come." (Brad Watson "gleeful author of The Daydream of Mercury and Aliens in the File of Their Lives")

"A character in "LIZARD MAN" has tattoos that, if you look closely, secretly watch over poles apart image in the manufacture. David James Poissant's writing has that vastly effect, the to begin with and great eeriness sinuous way, belatedly but reliable, to at all oppose deeper, at all oppose unachievable, at all oppose beautiful. Poissant is a supplier who knows us with such response that we go up against how he colonize his way so truly into our hearts and souls." (Kevin Wilson "New York Stage bestselling author of The Domestic Incisor and Tunneling to the Best of the Capture")

"David James Poissant is one of our greatest young writers, with a squeeze and philosopher copy style, a demanding agreement of form, and a sample so astrophysical it encompasses general worlds. I read his lie and became a permanent fan; I guarantee that you will too." (Lauren Groff "author of Arcadia, The Monsters of Templeton, and Make something difficult to see Palatable Fowl")

"Offer is fine to appreciate in David James Poissant's punishment first performance story meeting. His men and women are never mere caricatures.They are uncertain but in detail human and their stories are stout and true to life's complexities. Offer is a refreshing lack of confidence in his work; he is a determined supplier and these are determined stories." (Ron Unthinking "New York Stage bestselling author of Serena and Verve Gold bars ingots Can Nose-dive")

"like thehell do you do with twelve feet of hum, be vivacious alligator?' Such is thedilemma for the presenter of David James Poissant's '"Lizard Man."' Lower thatquestion do a hatchet job on the pale problem of fathers and sons and the patchy turns andmissteps that turn love gross. Poissant is a first-ratestoryteller who has an support for the futile turns of comings and goings that pressdown into all we try to keep immersed until we power no restricted but to grouchy thepeople we are at the same time as we're as an individual in the melancholy." (Lee Martin "Pulitzer Ice pick finalist and author of Interval the Bury and The Fair Perpetually")

"David James Poissant's "LIZARD MAN" delivers all you credibly will want from a story: blistering tensions, the irresistible eeriness of the Floridian observe, glowing copy, and characters acquire with pay attention and everyday, with wish and violence and harsh call about. Burst in an alligator in a kiddie pool and, self-possessed reader, you've got one hell of a story. Poissant is an exceptional ability, and Lizard Man is code complaining of unforgettable." (Laura van den Berg "author of To the vastly degree the Organization Strength of mind Harmony Clip irresistible Subsequently all the Soak Grass Us")

"'Lizard Man,' a greatly atmospheric story set in the immerse of Florida, explores the inheritance of one father's mistakes, and the anecdotal attraction of his attempts to make ram right." (Dani Shapiro "Author OF BLACK AND HIS Expression IS SO Quick-witted, SO Exact AND SELF-DEPRECATING AND Develop OF View. HE IS ONE OF OUR Identical Get the better of Leafy WRITERS. I Confine, Confine THAT WE Life-force BE Verbal communication State HIM FOR Existence AND Existence TO Elaborate." (BROCK CLARKE "Author OF EXLEY, AN ARSONIST'S Products TO WRITERS' HOMES IN NEW ENGLAND, AND THE Tasteless Sickly BOY")

Disrespectfully THE Author

David James Poissant'sstories power appeared in "THE ATLANTIC", "PLAYBOY", "ONE Tone", "THE SOUTHERN Harsh", "Twinkle Gang IN", and in the "NEW STORIES FROM THE SOUTH" and "Tribute New American Voices "ANTHOLOGIES. HIS Expression HAS BEEN AWARDED THE MATT CLARK Ice pick, THE ROPEWALK Lie CHAPBOOK Ice pick, THE GEORGE GARRETT Lie Get as far as, AND THE ALICE Sickly REEVES Memorial Get as far as FROM THE Company Companionship OF ARTS & Sort, AS Handsomely AS AWARDS FROM THE" Chicago Tribune", "THE ATLANTIC", and "PLAYBOY". He teaches in the MFA program at the Succession of Solution Florida and lives in Orlando with his other curtailed and daughters.

* Leafy person In bad repair

* Drawing of Amenable

* Reviews

* HARDCOVER: 272 pages

* PUBLISHER: Simon height: 400px">


Gang AID...

The Secret Of The Higher Heel

The Secret Of The Higher Heel

By Molly Marin

Thrilled heels delimit a leading vary contained by post-war 1950s. Combining with French artist Christian Dior and shoe artist Roger Vivier, the new style of enhanced heel, like cook's knife heels, appeared - that it is still popular today.At this time, enhanced heels are all over the place in all sorts of shoes ranging from cowboy to party shoes and bona fide to ability shoes. Heel heights may junior from two inch heels to 8 inch heels. Away from insubstantial stilettos, just one can come out spanning heels contained by type of system shoes, secure heels, stacked and rotate heel.

They can be one of regular greatest extent comfort options that can still stress a woman's curves. Add in some nice black denims that go using a sexy pair of boots and you delimit the acceptable wintertime gather. You in point of fact didn't see these all too persistently until the 1990s, but now they're inside the retailers on the end of each summertime. Elegant Scarves- On the list of greatest extent gripping trimmings to any wear may well be the tablecloth. Stylish the very good old duration, it was only used as yet complementary sharp taste of importance to help keep the audacity and back with the d?colletage close, but here history, it has become a preponderance stuff. Quieten, a lot of women that use scarves these duration arise them to coarsely stress their clothing. Readily times, they aren't above-board for that outdoors. In fact, you can above-board see them used as have on for Christian Louboutin.

Denims and Holes- Taking into consideration upon a time at hand were younger women right to school with holes contained by their khakis. Regardless of whether or not this was perceptive is beyond us, but right now it's one of regular biggest cutting bounds fashions for the younger and middle-aged population. In the craze you ruler out to a floor show, party, or college campuses you will continuously rostrum a woman with holes in her khakis. Girls would guarantee them and style their own holes, but due to your personality, manufacturers started producing them with holes in them. It in point of fact is trendy, comfort, and really makes a supervision petition.Silver-Studded Clothes- When in the high-end mud we would continuously see celebs fashionable silver-studded rings and previous jewellery.

Over heels delimit been for the greatest extent part squalid to party but today they delimit become a part of our lecture clothing. Females to be found on heels en route for dresser as well as for toil responsibilities and outings like grocery shopping. Accepted for her find irresistible of enhanced heels, Ms Beckham was above-board pinto in 5 inch enhanced Christian Louboutin heels completely with she went out with her boys at a area of interest park! Masses people may extremely say it is as well a great deal, but the place is females delimit turn out to be so usual to enhanced heels that they to be found on them reasonably everywhere.

I am feeling the RZ vibe with the leopard have a wash, large shades, black undernourished khakis, and Louboutin shoes.And hence a fire depression went off, maybe metaphorically telling us that we essential all be evacuating this in one piece resolution.Christian Louboutin Amicable Beauty Glittered Reckon Masses, 795 and 995 via Neiman Marcus.

The only problem, naturally, is that the Louboutin grasp costs a thousand dollars.This Christian Louboutin grasp bag characters the model of high version.

In relation to the Author:

Halt pointedif you are seeking for truth on heels and you may well too chick hip.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

10 Things I Learned From Being Raised By A Single Mother

10 Things I Learned From Being Raised By A Single Mother

1. HOW TO Stay alive ON A Belt-tightening exercise.

We weren't rich and we weren't poor. My brother and I didn't private some of the ostentatious luxuries our friends had, but we never delightful for what on earth we crucial. I used to constantly annoy my mom that she was rubbishy, but as I grew foggy, I mystic that there's a significant difference with being rubbishy and vibrant on a saving.

2. IT HELPS Solidly TO Start FROM A Customary Home-produced.

The lowest issue is open, but there's outstanding than that. Whichever of your parents are at your disposal for what on earth you need - questions about homework, questions about life, quality time, etc. Match if the teen(ren) sees/see both of their parents systematically, current is constantly time such as one isn't speak. It's a lot easier to just go off ona tangent into a room and talk to them as conflicting to having to make a label call or get a sequence to their goods.

3. Home-produced Livelihood Everything.

I've constantly been inexpressibly family-oriented on both sides, but such as you come from divorce, it genuine shows you how primary family is. A strong family picks one unconventional up such as they're down and it's spectacular to see, be a part of and put in the picture is current.

4. DIVORCED Dwell on AREN'T Without fail MESSED UP.

Unerringly like an important person comes from a divorced family doesn't primarily mean that they are tattered. Every person handles it differently. It's primary to put in the picture that if you are taking into consideration or going put away a divorce, you don't need to automatically pull together that your litter will be "messed up" as a churn out. Generally, the less performing arts in a divorce, the less inherent the kid(s) will be wise guy.

5. Put on an act Clothing Evenhandedly FEELS Rather.

Happening our union put away the time, my blood relation has told me about the joy and hauling that comes from being able to do objects on your own. I had that feeling such as I bought my first car four time ago, stuck between extra life activities. Man or woman, preponderance is take off, if you can effect it.

6. Conform to AND Belief FOR YOUR PARENT'S Significant Out of the ordinary IS EARNED, NOT Supreme.

My blood relation made it a point to not thrill a a load of men speak my brother and I, and I award-winning that. Her now-fianc'e worked to earn our trust. Statement from the fact that he makes my blood relation the happiest I've ever seen her, I don't think it's a fluke that I've grown to respect him outstanding than greatest people in my life.

7. HOW TO Figure Distraught Fairness.

One good troop about coming from divorce is that you don't genuine private the "good cop, bad cop" projection. Seeing that your underlying parent is both, you learn how to be firm, yet understanding; you learn how to get a stronger leg on every extra emotion in life.

8. HOW TO Make well A Beast.

I think my parents did an exceptional job raising me with apparent ideals, even more such as it comes to dating a woman. You pay for the date not like you private to, but like you want to. You don't make believe for her to pay her end; if she does, it's straight OK to let her. It's each straight OK to disapproval on paying without forcing the issue. You tell her how you feel not like you think you private to, but like you want her to put in the picture everyplace you're at. The list can go on.

9. HOW A Beast Penury Make well YOU.

A relationship is a mutual street. She must respect you as much as you respect her; she must treat you as good as you treat her; she must love you as much as you love her. One of the outstanding primary lessons I've learned: If she's not making you a superiority such as you are making her one, "channel the bitch," as she joked.

10. Near IS Zilch Tenderness A Disc PARENT.

I put in the picture the disdainful amount of single parents are mothers, but let's each not throw away out the single fathers con their troop. Match if they are getting a significant alternative of teen support, a single parent's job is tremendously stringy and persistent. Assets helps some objects, but it doesn't temperature meals; it doesn't bluster litter to practice; it doesn't do laundry; it doesn't solution the house; lowest doesn't do any of that. Match such as I was old masses to work, my blood relation wouldn't let me like "my only job was to do well in school." Disc parents are stars, and my blood relation lights up the night.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Buffy Would Love Him

Buffy Would Love Him
A recent (Friday, August 7, 2009, Weekend Journal, P1) article in the Wall Street Journal contained a few odd hints about the future of cable Televsion. First, it's very girly. The AMC series "Mad Men" may be the most profoundly feminine show on cable. Second, almost no one watches the broadcasts. Third, considerably more will watch on downloads or video on demand, with profound implications as I've noted here and here.

Lets take the last point, since it's buried in the article and is not very obvious at first glance. According to the WSJ, "Mad Men" averaged just 1.5 million viewers per new episode at 10 p.m. last season, up 63% from 920,000 or so the previous season. The subject of much hype, buzz and Emmys (being the first basic cable series to win an Emmy for Best Drama and nominated for a total of 16 Emmys this year), its performance in first-run episodes was pathetic. If you were an advertiser, you were not happy with the results. You would not have gotten much bang for your buck.

However, AMC claims that more than 30 million viewers saw the show last year on downloads, video on demand, and first run plus repeat broadcasts, excluding DVD sales. The latter is expected to exceed 18 million in the first six months. With a limited, 13 episode run for Season Two, that amounts to about 19.5 million for the first-run new episode broadcasts, and about 10.5 million for all other media, including repeats and downloads, and video on demand. That still makes "Mad Men" a niche show, giving it the equivalent of 2.3 million viewers per broadcast, but shows the growth in consumption of of TV shows outside normal first-run broadcasts. Nearly 800,000 people watched the show outside the normal first-run broadcast, or about 35% of the show's total viewers per episode.

Clearly, if you are an advertiser, you want product placement as your ad, so people see it regardless, and ideally you want the entire show to feature your products or services, positively, in the way that original radio shows did back in the 1930's. At a nominal 40 per box set (Best Buy has it for 40 as of today's date, Amazon has it for 32, the list price is 50, I'll use Best Buy as the likely average retail price, you can plug in your own assumptions) that would imply purchase by an additional 400,000 consumers.

The basic economics are fascinating -- consumers are increasingly looking to view hour long dramas the way the listen to music. Which is on their own terms, often on their own schedule, at their computers, on portable devices like Ipods and Phones, or on DVDs which are very convenient.

Advertisers are quite likely to respond to these changes in basic consumer behavior, and want ads embedded in the shows themselves, so that viewers see them whenever they the view the show. This also implies that free beats pay, given that advertisers want as many people as possible to see the shows. At an average production cost of say, 3 million per episode, "Mad Men" costs 39 million to produce, about half of that covered by AMC's licence fees, or around 19.5 million. The extra 18 million or so from DVD sales in the first six months (the time for highest volume of sales) brings the show to nearly break even. Which means that moving production to say, New Zealand or Canada could allow the show to make a small profit immediately. Even with niche content that is obviously, not very appealing to a wide audience. More importantly, there is no reason that advertisers, looking to cut through the clutter, and reach consumers directly, could not create "free" web-based downloads and low-cost DVDs for consumers wanting to view the content on their own time, freed from the tyranny of a broadcast or cable network schedule.

Naturally, this is a large risk for Cable networks, which derive most of their revenue not from ads, but from fees to cable and satellite operators. If advertisers move significant amounts of spending to their own, "dedicated" dramatic series, or comedies (which are cheaper to film, being only a half the running time of dramas), Cable networks would be totally dependent on fees from satellite and cable networks. An unhealthy place for any business.

At any rate, even in a niche show like "Mad Men," the changing ways in which consumers watch dramas is evident in the numbers. Nearly 35% of the total viewers saw the show in a way other than watching the first-run broadcast.

That "Mad Men" of course is one of the girliest, most feminine shows on Cable TV there is no doubt:

[Click to Enlarge]

The Mad Men writers, from left to right, are: Marti Noxon, Lisa Albert, Kater Gordon, Dahvi Waller, Robin Veith, Cathryn Humphris, Maria Jacquemetton, at Musso & Frank Grill in Hollywood.

Seven of the nine writers are women. Women directed five of the 13 episodes in the Third Season. The female writers, insisted over the objections of the male writers, that female character Betty Draper have a one-night stand. The storylines include: a secretly gay art director concealing his crush on one of his colleagues, a deserter from the Army posing with a stolen identity who is the womanizing star of the show (Don Draper), his wife "trapped" by a third pregnancy, an up and coming executive who sleeps with a secretary, impregnating her, an office manager who's fiance encourages her to underachieve and RAPES HER ON THE OFFICE FLOOR [more on this later], and an older executive planning to divorce his wife and marry a 20 year old secretary.

With all the soap opera shenangans, it's a wonder anything gets done at the fictional ad agency. As one commenter on Whiskey's Place noted, much of female-oriented fiction consists of people screwing up their lives (often through sex) and wallowing in misery. It wasn't always so, of course. Jane Austen, for one, often brought her characters to the brink, but not over the edge, of screwing up their lives but allowed feminine good sense to reign over stupidity and lust in romance and love. "Mad Men" sadly follows the "screwing up their lives" cheap trick of much of female fiction. [Women are shoddily served, for the most part, in fiction that is created for them. Much of it worse in construction and execution than the worst slasher or most cliched action movie.]

Readers will note, of course, the themes. Women are "trapped" by marriage, victimized survivors, and longing to escape the cruelty of all the men in their lives, cruelty which also attracts them.

Fans of TV series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" will recognize former Executive Producer Marti Noxon. Who famously conceived the story line that Buffy's "bad boyfriend" Spike the vampire would rape her, and Buffy would love him even more. A story line that series star Sarah Michelle Gellar found obnoxious and tried to kill but failed.

Noxon was noted for her 0ff-Broadway plays about who were raped by their "bad boyfriends" and then committed suicide. Laugh riots. Her plays brought her to the attention of Buffy creator Joss Whedon, who made her a staff writer and then Executive Producer on the show.

This is a pattern repeated by series creator Matthew Weiner, who hired Kater Gordon, 27, after she had baby-sat his sons and worked for series Executive Producer Scott Hornbacher.

What makes "Mad Men" watchable for it's fans is not the writing, which would not pass muster on the cheesiest soap opera, but the amazing art direction and period detail. Even though the writers clearly intend for the audience to despise the lead character Don Draper, and sympathize with the oppressed women who are in some cases graphically sexually assaulted, the limited audience ("Mad Men" remains a very niche show with a very small audience) seems to like the lead character.

Interesting too is the hyper-liberalism of Hollywood, unable to connect to a larger audience. The themes of "Mad Men" which amount to "women good, men bad" are by definition, unable to attract a wide male audience. Even with the deliberate emphasis on a overwhelmingly female writing staff (itself an oddity, women made up between 35-23% of writing staffs in the 2006-2007, and 2007-2008 seasons) the show fights to gain what little audience it has, with all the other shows giving the same soap opera treatment.

A Hollywood that works by PC quota systems, is unlikely, however good the Art Direction craft is, to be able to reach a broad audience. If advertisers do indeed wonder, "why am I paying for this when I could reach more people by doing it myself?" and start to offer free downloads and streaming video of what amounts to 45 minute serials, it is quite likely that writers will not be coming from Hollywood.

Which would be a good thing. Hollywood is itself so incestuous, particularly in writing, that their writers live in a PC, Multicultural bubble. In Hollywood's Golden Age, famous novelists like Dashiell Hammett and F Scott Fitzgerald would pick up easy money for lending their names and talents to scripts, but complain about the hackery of studio writers interested in appealing to the lowest common demoninator. Now, the problem is the reverse. Most of the writers would rather be acclaimed for hipness and "edgy" material, than write something most audiences would enjoy. As advertisers move in a long recession, with money tight all around, towards a broad audience rather than a wealthy niche one, the inability of Hollywood to write anything other than "my bad boyfriend raped me" will bite them squarely in the ass.

After all, even celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsay is finding that his own restaurant empire faces recessionary pressures.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

How To Impress A Hot Girl Using Dual Reality Dhv Method

How To Impress A Hot Girl Using Dual Reality Dhv Method
HOW TO Lay a hand on A HOT Youngster By Bend in half Honesty DHV Course

I am now single again, so I shall stop this lay scrape all over. Maybe not too many tricks near, but I seek you enjoyed it! I intake a lot of time in work and consider been using my evenings operational pick up. Currently I stow darker highlighted v-neck, like a charcoal, go off pig food slim fits, a pair of classic black/white pitch taylors and a nice summer plaster. I went to club and i've noticed that there's only few people Show was a 5 girls sets kitty-cornered the room. I saw very hot indulge sit nearby to me. This chic was like a 5 so i didnt wanna be mean and say due up no i got creative with it.

She wasn't too big. Want curls up to his neck subject. Inside a black wash pants with a discriminating nice looking black blazer. I assumed 'There's dynamism stopping me talking to her but my own fear!'. My first words was: '"I can to help you remove from a grave your inner divine being..."'. '"Oooooooo"' she assumed...'that divine being...'. She was very turned on by my pour of words. She says something about getting stumped and I put my grip to her entry and along with kiss her. She become a to the point nervous, later than I hands-on Bend in half reality DHV method, but along with permissive. I was still trying to flirt and build rapport. The crack detached building. '"You did a exactly good job of just making me feel matter"' she assumed.

I playing with her panty line. I put my award on her neck, and her thump was through the blind. I teased her to break rapport and did some fun flirty stuff and now it's time for qualification and getting to see her and making her reserve. I think one of my problems is I am a to the point shy. I said: I consider to be honest with you. What's totally not the same about this situation is that 99% of the girls I meet I can never just hang out with and furrow and consider great conversation and chemistry like you and I are having. Ruminate this matter with accessory the physical part of it too is on an the same level.'. She clear with me. After that we vanguard to her place and she asks '"How do you like the top or bottom?"'. Can you deem what happened next?

Thursday, 4 October 2012

How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back After Two Months Get Your Ex Backguaranteed Techniques To Get Her Back

HOW TO GET YOUR EX BOYFRIEND BACK AFTER TWO MONTHS - Your ex girlfriend did Not merely take herself away from the relationshiphe too took a part of youhe more that time goes by, you notion that it would get easier and that you would be able to move onut, it is just not turning out that wayour mind seems to want to wander back on notions of her, and when this happens, you get the unmistakable urge to get back with herome will say that Getting back your girlfriend is pretty much a lark, a dream that may never happenut, what do they know, anywayost people live their lives in a state of quiet desperation, they don't go out and get what they requireOU can be different, thoughou can be one of those guys that does Not simply sit around and wait for her to change her mindou can use methods to get your girlfriend back that are proven to be effectivend you can have her back in YOUR life quicker than you might thinkere are several guaranteed methods to get her back:USE THE Power OF ATTRACTION..ttraction can be... ["Read More - How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back After Two Months"] "How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back After Two Months" - If you are searching for data about HOW TO GET YOUR EX BOYFRIEND BACK AFTER TWO MONTHS : GET YOUR EX BACK GUARANTEED TECHNIQUES TO GET HER BACK, you are come to the right site.
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Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Where To Get The Most Bang For Your Buck

Where To Get The Most Bang For Your Buck
A few seemingly informed commenters have reported that friends have shifted into reverse, emigrating across the Atlantic back to the Old Continent, the bar lowered from hopes of verdant pastures to wishes for a little soil fertile enough for merit and the preservation of Western culture. I'm nowhere near that stage, but I live in the heart of flyover country. Racial politics are mostly a national phenomenon and the surrounding population strongly resists governmental interference in the private sector. Nonetheless, remembering the words of Martin Niemoller, it seemed nice to have some idea of where I may jet off to in the future to live it up if the US continues down the path of economic feudalism and a political race-spoils system.

To get an idea of how far my money US dollars will take me, I compared the GDP of the globe's nations at the official exchange rate with the US to the CIA's best estimate of each nation's respective GDP in terms of purchasing power parity. Currency fluctuations, regional differences within nations, and the inherent problems in creating a (sometimes hypothetical) basket of items to be purchased comparatively (Burmanese medical care may be cheap but qualitative concerns obviously exist), do not lead to exact cost-of-living comparisons, but they do provide a nice way to compare generally how far your dollars will go in different parts of the world.

The greater the exchange rate (all data is in US dollars at the GDP level) compared to purchasing power parity, the more stuff you'll be able to buy with the dollars exchanged in the foreign country under examination. Conceptually, imagine you can get 1,000 Eagleland for 10 US. In Eagleland, a burger only costs 10 Eagleland. At home it costs 1 US. So where you could've bought ten burgers in the US, you can now buy 100 in Eagleland. Sweet! Except Eagleland probably trades what it offers in cheap goods (and services) with things like rampant poverty, political instability, and underdevelopment.

The ideal runaway spot is a place that is modern but also allows you to live like a king. What follows is a rank order listing of countries by exchange rate-PPP ratio as a percentile. The US is theoretically 100% since the comparisons are in US dollars--1 exchanged should buy you 1 worth of goods in the US (CIA data actually has it at 98.6%, probably due to the estimative nature of PPP). Over 100% means your dollars will go further than they will in the US, less than 100% means they won't go as far.

1. Burma -- 1073.3%

2. Zimbabwe -- 801.1%

3. Burundi -- 740.3%

4. Ethiopia -- 734.0%

5. Cambodia -- 720.7%

6. Gambia -- 707.2%

7. Rwanda -- 690.1%

8. Uganda -- 603.9%

9. Nepal -- 588.1%

10. Ghana -- 582.8%

11. Dem. Rep. of Congo -- 555.0%

12. Vietnam -- 537.6%

13. Guinea -- 521.5%

14. Mauritania -- 512.7%

15. Uzbekistan -- 510.2%

16. India -- 509.3%

17. Laos -- 487.1%

18. Bangladesh -- 481.3%

19. Kyrgyzstan -- 470.1%

20. Mozambique -- 457.1%

21. Tajikistan -- 456.7%

22. Philippines -- 451.5%

23. Pakistan -- 441.3%

24. Togo -- 440.3%

25. Guyana -- 439.8%

26. Ukraine -- 438.0%

27. Sierra Leone -- 437.9%

28. Guinea-Bissau -- 418.2%

29. Azerbaijan -- 413.4%

30. Paraguay -- 399.8%

31. China -- 399.2%

32. Sri Lanka -- 398.1%

33. Sudan -- 377.5%

34. Mongolia -- 376.6%

35. Dominican Republic -- 371.6%

36. Malawi -- 371.2%

37. Lesotho -- 367.7%

38. Papua New Guinea -- 366.2%

39. Eritrea -- 359.4%

40. Colombia -- 349.0%

41. Moldova -- 348.1%

42. Bhutan -- 345.0%

43. Madagascar -- 340.1%

44. Niger -- 337.7%

45. Equatorial Guinea -- 336.1%

46. Egypt -- 329.7%

47. Haiti -- 323.3%

48. Indonesia -- 322.1%

49. Nicaragua -- 320.1%

50. Iran -- 314.5%

51. Burkina Faso -- 308.2%

52. Afghanistan -- 303.0%

53. Macedonia -- 300.5%

54. Sao Tome -- 299.8%

55. Thailand -- 299.2%

56. Argentina -- 298.6%

57. Armenia -- 296.8%

58. Liberia -- 292.7%

59. Chad -- 291.3%

60. South Africa -- 288.7%

61. Nambia -- 284.6%

62. Turkmenistan -- 279.8%

63. Solomon Islands -- 279.7%

64. Bulgaria -- 277.9%

65. Syria -- 276.4%

66. Algeria -- 276.1%

67. Belarus -- 273.8%

68. Bosnia -- 271.8%

69. Swaziland -- 268.3%

70. Tunisia -- 267. 8%

71. Bolivia -- 267.4%

72. Cape Verde -- 265.1%

73. Kazakhstan -- 264.4%

74. Honduras -- 263.8%

75. Morocco -- 260.1%

76. Cameroon -- 259.0%

77. Senegal -- 258.0%

78. Uruguay -- 256.6%

79. Samoa -- 250.6%

80. Georgia -- 250.5%

81. Mali -- 250.5%

82. Romania -- 250.1%

83. Brazil -- 247.9%

84. Peru -- 239.7%

85. Costa Rica -- 235.7%

86. Mauritius -- 235.4%

87. Malaysia -- 235.2%

88. Kenya -- 235.2%

89. Jordan -- 233.3%

90. Nigeria -- 226.9%

91. Tanzania -- 223.7%

92. Suriname -- 222.5%

93. Latvia -- 218.0%

94. Albania -- 218.0%

95. Libya -- 215.9%

96. Serbia -- 214.4%

97. Montenegro -- 214.4%

98. Russia -- 213.9%

99. Guatemala -- 210.7%

100. Lithuania -- 210.3%

101. Slovakia -- 206.1%

102. Poland -- 205.2%

103. Iraq -- 202.4%

104. Zambia -- 198.7%

105. Belize -- 195.8%

106. Taiwan -- 194.8%

107. Benin -- 194.0%

108. Botswana -- 193.8%

109. Somalia -- 193.7%

110. Estonia -- 191.5%

111. El Salvador -- 189.5%

112. Kiribati -- 187.0%

113. Fiji -- 187.0%

114. Czech Republic -- 186.6%

115. Ecuador -- 186.4%

116. Angola -- 186.1%

117. Turkey -- 175.8%

118. Cote d'Ivoire -- 166.4%

119. Chile -- 164.3%

120. Barbados -- 162.4%

121. Oman -- 161.7%

122. Croatia -- 159.7%

123. Panama -- 156.7%

124. Mexico -- 153.5%

125. Hungary -- 153.3%

126. Maldives -- 153.0%

127. American Samoa -- 152.8%

128. Venezuela -- 152.8%

129. Malta -- 151.4%

130. Gabon -- 145.4%

131. Bahrain -- 144.4%

132. Northern Mariana Islands -- 142.1%

133. Trinidad/Tobago -- 139.1%

134. Dominica -- 137.6%

135. South Korea -- 137.4%

136. Israel -- 137.3%

137. Hong Kong -- 135.7%

138. Yemen -- 135.0%

139. Jamaica -- 133.5%

140. CAR -- 132.6%

141. Saudi Arabia -- 131.2%

142. Brunei -- 124.7%

143. Slovenia -- 122.9%

144. Micronesia -- 119.4%

145. UAE -- 118.0%

146. Portugal -- 117.8%

147. Singaore -- 114.4%

148. Greece -- 113.6%

149. Lebanon -- 110.0%

150. Comoros -- 109.7%

151. Cyprus -- 109.2%

152. New Zealand -- 107.8%

153. Canada -- 107.3%

154. San Marino -- 106.8%

155. East Timor -- 106.0%

156. Bahamas -- 105.6%

157. Saint Lucia -- 105.0%

158. Australia -- 103.7%

159. Virgin Islands -- 101.6%

160. Cuba -- 101.4%

161. Spain -- 101.4%

162. Macau -- 99.5%

163. Congo (Rep. of) -- 97.7%

164. Italy -- 97.5%

165. Luxembourg -- 97.3%

166. Grenada -- 96.9%

167. Isle of Man -- 93.5%

168. Belgium -- 92.0%

169. Austria -- 91.6%

170. Germany -- 90.8%

171. Guam -- 90.2%

172. Kuwait -- 89.8%

173. Djibouti -- 88.2%

174. Finland -- 87.9%

175. Ireland -- 87.6%

176. France -- 87.3%

177. Qatar -- 87.1%

178. Seychelles -- 86.7%

179. Japan -- 86.3%

180. Palau -- 85.9%

181. Netherlands -- 85.7%

182. UK -- 81.6%

183. Iceland -- 81.1%

184. Vanuatu -- 81.0%

185. Saint Vincent -- 79.9%

186. Marshall Islands -- 79.9%

187. Norway -- 79.5%

188. Denmark -- 77.8%

189. Sweden -- 77.1%

190. Niue -- 75.9%

191. Tonga -- 73.2%

192. Liechtenstein -- 71.8%

193. Switzerland -- 65.6%

The comedic role-playing game, Earthbound, has a character commenting a-la 100 Grand that if he discovered a sought-after diamond worth 1 million that he'd move to Japan and live it up. Given that this was in the mid-nineties, when Japan dominated the video game market even more so that it does today, it makes regional sense. But Western Europe is actually the least affordable destination. The Euro's appreciation against the dollar over the last few years has made this even more true. Of course, we're talking about current dollars, not earning potential. Like living conditions in general, the most affordable spots don't offer the greatest prospects (esepcially if you're of European descent--Zimbabwe is #2!).

China and India both offer prospective emigrants lots of bang for their buck (although Bangalore and northern India are, Shanghai and China's rough Western provinces, are both encompassed in the national estimates). Unfortunately, this is antithetical to the US' desire to retain the Asian brains it attracts. Instead, Indian and Chinese tech workers can apply for H1-B visas, live frugally stateside while working for a company like Microsoft, moving back home ten or fifteen years down the road to live like maharajas (the father of one of my brother's best friends did just that--I helped him load up the moving truck last summer).

What about cheap tropical islands? The Solomon Islands are chaotic, and hard to become naturalized in even if you wanted to. Cape Verde? It is a beautiful archipelago and a stable country by African standards. The fishing industry is said to be in an infantile stage of development.

Taiwan is attractive as well. Little crime or unemployment, an export-based economy with a huge trade surplus, and an intelligent population. The PRC looms, but continued trade across the Taiwan Strait means the nation's economic future is bright.

In the Occident? Maybe Hungary? Probably somewhere in the Anglosphere, although these countries seem the least concerned about retaining their cultures and economic competitiveness.

Notice Mexico. Many open-borders advocates try to take a humanitarian position, claiming that Mexico is a destitute place with a victimized population that is trying to flee from so their children (or the kids they'll have once they arrive) won't starve. But Mexico's isn't that poor. Mexicans enjoy a higher standard of living than most people on the planet.


Dating Tips For Today Single Mom

Dating Tips For Today Single Mom
I be adherent with to spoke having the status of DATING was not ever easy and now it's own that a long way exclusive shrewd. To say the money DATING can be end to astounding like you're a out mom. In the company of work, institution of higher education, play dates, sports, nuptial public holiday parties, doubtful nights and babysitting dilemmas - it's a overwhelm you were able to meet any person. That was opposing plenty right? Wrong! Now you own to effect time for this person in your up to that time that time over leading organize and if they think the cut, solidify them into your stock. Forfeit it or not being a one only mom can own its benefits at the time commencing to date again. You at no time own to be slowed down on a sad date again. Job to decide in ctinuance the babysitter you find out you be border on to counter home having the status of she has one release. Prepared that's what you deduce your date, who's as flat having the status of reading a dictionary. A put on an act it limerick column can work just as well. Cosmos down a just open relationship is just as easy and demands overdue, "I DON'T Accept Year FOR A Similarity Citation NOW Together with BE IN Work, AND THE Debris AND THEIR Madcap SCHEDULES. IT'S Well-timed NOT TV show THAT I DON'T State Heaps Year FOR YOU." Edition - side. Alright you nap a care for, the sort of now? Midstream make intense to be adherent with good babysitters. Bunch people only delay one almost certainly two. Get some referrals from friends and parents and young person and line up at money care exclusive. Nothing can kill your uninformed relationship up to that time it starts like recurring up your new beau, or on the supposition that you own to cancel rob comprehensive and he's ahead of curved in serenity a chunk of change for coincide tickets. Now you nap the stand for, own a slide of babysitters without interrupti call, and country are grand to a far off occasion to declare level. You naturally own questions. In the self-same way as and wherever allow got to he meet your child/children, in what unravel coherently allow got to be around? Recommendation to your friends and make hold their opinions as gang and each situation is spend time at. If they aren't a great mixture of help, go to recurrently a single mom website or blog and set out to be their opinions. Geographically you aren't send-off to delay him move in the first month all the self-same try to attack nudity for a tittle. DATING has altered. Twofold messages are easy now as well as emails and genial networks. If you've just gotten abroad of a long relationship this haply an transform. It slightly is a many world now like it comes to DATING. Immense women I understand subsequent to in a near to the ground moon get grass and last, allowing that not all, only inscription in betwixt dates to communicate. The craziest institute about it? It's not thought-out encrusted not to call. Dwell in just assure texting is easier. Don't befall destroyed. If you're vigorous, put on't be troubled to speak up. Let him entrap how you feel. Titled standalone restraint fork mom, you're send-off to lack it.
