In that video I explained how a man can never be attractive in the eyes of a woman if he constantly does things for her in order to gain her approval. I pointed out how this is VERY different from doing things for her because you care about her.
Men who are labelled as stereotypical '"nice guys"' have a tendency to suppress what they are really thinking. They may even hide their true feelings and desires from a woman. 'Nice guys' often avoid saying "no" to a woman's outrageous requests out of fear of her losing interest.
This behaviour shows a woman that a man NEEDS her and he does not have respect for his own values. If he does not value himself then why should she value him and be attracted to him?
Again, I would like to reiterate, this is very different from a man doing things for a woman out of true love and affection. Compromising for the good of the relationship is very different from always "giving-in" to a woman.
We all need a decent amount of self-respect to prevent us from being treated like a doormat and for speaking up and communicating how we feel. It enables us to stand up for our own values. Self-respect is the foundation for building attraction. You can gain it in an instant by being mindful of the choices you make for yourself - from the way you communicate with others, to the decisions that you make about your life.
Why would a woman choose the dangerous man, even though it's pretty much guaranteed that he will treat her poorly? Why on earth would she choose him over a man who shows her real affection and attention?
I know I alluded to in the video that sometimes the 'bad' guy behaves with more self-assurance, which initially appears attractive. However, the attraction quickly diminishes if (and hopefully when) the woman recognizes the general lack of decency and respect towards her.
You may think women simply prefer the more dangerous man because they want more excitement. However in some instances the 'safe' option is not actually the man who shows a woman kindness. Instead the 'safe' guy could actually be the one treats her badly. This is in the case where a woman is frightened by the thought of opening up and being truly vulnerable with a man.
Some women (as well as men) are really afraid of experiencing a real and honest loving relationship. The sense of feeling 'trapped in a long-term relationship' has nothing to do with boredom, but more to do with fear.
After all, if a woman was with a man who really cared and perhaps was willing to love her and offer her commitment, then not only would she have to open her heart, but also he would get to see the 'real her' whom may be buried beneath her psychological armour.
The thought of real vulnerability and authenticity can be very confronting for both men and women. Some people even unconsciously believe that they do not deserve real love and respect, despite the fact that they appear to strive for it. Paradoxically, striving from this place almost always results in sabotaging any chance of a real relationship.
This doesn't mean that, any time a woman you desire chooses a man, who you don't believe respects her, you immediately blame it on her lack of self-love.
As usual, the truth is most likely to be found in the middle.
We reflect each other's neuroses. Relationships are a great way of showing us where we need to grow. It's easy to point the finger at someone else's behaviour, but definitely more enlightened and more empowering to start looking at your own.
The post Why Women Choose Bad Guys appeared first on THE MAGNETIC MAN.
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