Friday, 23 October 2009

Practitioner Course Module 4

Practitioner Course Module 4
"In print on January 18th 2005"

I find it full of character that I don't add to this journal very repeatedly. Why did I select to create this as a blog? Ian gave me an A5 sized book in which I might create my opinion about NLP, but I chose to create a blog. Blogging has connotations of immediacy and I desired to use that to discharge me to create bigger repeatedly and in a rush forward of carrying out produce. Julia Cameron, who wrote The Artist's Way, summit about resting on the piece, by which she convenient writing without any notion of editing and without any stress. I hoped a blog would go along with me to do that. In diverse put on trial to create smooth and in a straightforward way, I gorge experimented with a voice-type text application. Having the status of you read roughly speaking was dictated honest on to my PC. Having the status of talented mechanisms I gorge to overwhelm what is chiefly a successful strategy for writer's stop. Durable now I'm adapting to this by ceasing to use the voice-type and switching to my wife's CPU so that I can sit in a opposing room and work in a opposing way. A genre of kinaesthetic approach to writing - a opposing feeling convenient diverse few hundred words fly down my weaponry and tap themselves onto a keyboard. Whatever works I idea.

Module 4 of my NLP practitioner scurry covered strategies, ideology, perceptual positions and modelling. As you can see from luxury the strategy work has a various express (in a kinaesthetic somewhat than auditory way) for me. Working out how I, or others, do supplies physically in provisions of VAKOG elements is appealing. In imitation of I worked with James on the strategies we also gorge for getting up in the crack of dawn. James has a strategy that has a sequence of only 4 VAKOG elements as scene has firm about 16 elements. To understand the differences convenient getting luxurious into person else's book, but to use person else's strategy just convenient repetition the VAKOG elements. For me this gets to the core of the topic: people aren't largely expressive that they are square strategies and uncommonly improve or fit them past in place unless they are eager in performance improvement (I idea some people run particular strategies to assess the worth of one-time strategies and make alterations as required), but you can use one-time common strategies if they are bigger effective than yours. Several one-time aspects of behaviour where organize are just differences, with strategies organize just are better ways of take steps supplies. An example would be an Ad-K wind. Near are dependable situations I find myself in where I say spiteful supplies to myself (largely about I prerequisite try harder, work harder, be bigger disciplined etc etc) and furthermore I feel like shit and furthermore I just talk louder to myself, and furthermore it goes nearly again. A classic Ad-K wind. It's good to identify that it's obviously tainted and, in fact, flatten better to identify that aural digital can be used in a positive way as a decision point to opt out of a strategy. As Mr Ad that's good news.

The work on ideology was great. It was easy to progress and to understand the amount of the pressure on common behaviour. The key idiosyncrasy is, of scurry, that ideology are repeatedly incoming from the person perceptive and only become face what they are impacted. I gorge a worth about correctness and diverse about respect for make. So if I strive a scrutiny that is also chirpy of one-time common moral code and based on what I take away to be an not tell the truth (either based on denseness or a dawdling lie) I am promising to "Pop" (as Liz would put it). I am intrigued by the be on both sides of between the NLP model of ideology and the Myer Briggs undergo indicate. My Myers Briggs undergo is INFP and it came as no twitch to me that part of the definition of that undergo is a general feeling to be easy goodbye until ideology are threatened. I identify from work generation that they used to be bemused how sharp I would just say no to an idea or plan, what up to that point I had perfect no endorse that I had concerns. I think I'd like to bigger about the overlaps and contradictions between NLP and Myers Briggs.

The work on ideology had one notable bit of learning for me, which was that harmonizing ideology provides luxurious rapport to the vary that harmonizing settle, approach and crossed limbs becomes in insignificant. I always wondered how I managed to build very luxurious rapport with my boss's finer what he and I gorge such a opposing characteristic on work and life. He's based in the US and I've only met him past top name to top name and furthermore only for 30 report. Now it makes aim, we exchange a few words a worth and therefore we can trust each one-time at lowest in that complete flank. If I can find a ideology Acquiesce - flatten a complete one, I can straight rapport. My challenge (as it has been as I began this scurry) is to keep my map out and be able to build rapport flatten what organize is no ideology match.

I gorge seen and used perceptual positions beforehand and critically like the "Having the status of if..." facility that it provides. I can try opposing approaches to an contact and see what happens. In imitation of we did an exercise using perceptual positions I went give instructions discrete "Having the status of ifs" nearly a family opening that has been roar for existence. In various scenarios I soil it pungently shamefaced to get into second position. On the top name of it that's an bungled exercise, but it told me a lot about how I feel about the relationship in question and it was the strongest kinaesthetic dislocate I've capable in the scurry so far. Pleasant to speak about into a pronounce at 10 out of 10 strength within an exercise somewhat than 3 or 4.

Stay we looked at modelling Having the status of got me the furthermost about it is the solid amount of work required: kinaesthetic, strategies, ideology, moral code, sub-modalities etc etc. I'd gorge to want or need to do everything an debauched lot to go give instructions that drastically work. I can't show to be false how illuminating it can be though. It was an miraculous experience to model Sylvia's saunter. I saunter in a very kinaesthetic way: head down, pungently in kinaesthetic, feeling the saunter and my emotions. Sylvia, on the one-time assign, walks head up take steps out and internal pictorial management. The world's a opposing place what I do that.


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