Intro aside, a big topic in my life at several different points and for the last year has been FWBs and the like. I've been in a handful of fairly substantial LTRs and each one the girl wanted to marry me. I only exited one of them in a timely manner after seeing they weren't for me. Can say with heavy experience that remaining in any relationship past its "sell by" date can be a major setback for both parties.
Except for one time, I've always had a lengthy interim of free agency after getting out of a relationship of 12 months or more. Mainly because I just needed a break from the pressure and also needed serious reflective time, the most useful of which occurs when we take a break from all dating. Then again, easier said than done and I've tended to light up the scoreboard during these single periods. In hindsight, my health and happiness would've been better off most of those times going into a monk's existence (solitude) until I sorted out all remaining issues. I have had some times where my contentment is high while being single and honestly, these are the times we attract the best LTR candidates even when not outright looking for them since they feel our strength and migrate to it.
Anyways, I've been single for 1 year now since my last LTR. I've probably dated over a dozen girls in that time, had about a half dozen FBs or FWBs (not all at once...woah!), and "talked to" probably three dozen girls anywhere from a few days to several months whether or not I made it materialize into anything. The last year has been consistent with my other interim periods between LTRs.
Though I'd be far better off having dated less than I have in my life, the mistakes that I've learned from have been very valuable going forward. Unless we make positive changes in ourselves, we will keep finding ourselves in the same situations with the same types of girls and habits are hard to break once familiar. I believe there are very thin and very clear lines between FZ, FB, FWB, and GF and agree that major issues will be found when we don't clearly communicate our true intentions at the onset and also stay consistent with those. Of course, we can't tell the future and do change our minds as time goes on.
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